Jump IN!

Jump IN! is a flexible, Bible-based curriculum for those working with pre-school children and their carers. The resource will help them 'share the good news' in an age-appropriate way, relevant to their setting. Some sessions and series outlines have been created to celebrate specific key-dates while other sessions can be used anytime. 

a photo of a young girl counting

Latest series: Let's Count

A five-session series outline for pre-school children to help with counting the numbers 1 to 5.

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Use anytime

A five-session series outline for use with pre-school children to help with counting the numbers 1 to 5.

A seven-session series outline for us with Preschool children to explore some of the great stories of God's Friends in the Old Testament.

A special Jump IN! session outline for preschool children and their families to increase awareness of anti-trafficking and to raise money for the Helping-Hand Appeal.

A five-session Jump IN! series outline to explore what the weather is like.

Four-session Jump IN! series to help identify four main shapes

An eight-week Jump IN! series outline exploring our feelings using stories from the Old Testament

A seven-session Jump IN! series outline for use with preschool children.

A seven-session Jump IN! series outline for use with preschool children.

A four-session Jump IN! series outline for use with Preschool children.

A seven-session Jump IN! series outline for use with preschool children.

Spring/Summer Sessions

A three-session Jump IN! series outline to explore different elements of Spring.

A Jump IN! session for use with pre-school children to explore what Lent is.

A Jump IN! session to celebrate and give thanks for our Mothers, Grandmothers and Aunties.

A two-session Jump IN! series outline to celebrate Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday.

A special session outline for use with preschool children to celebrate Father’s Day.

A special session outline for use with preschool children to explore the Christian festival Pentecost.

A special session for use in the National Month of Prayer for Parent-and-Toddler Groups based on Matthew 13:31-32.

A four-session Jump IN! series outline for use with Preschool children.

A special session outline for use with children and families to explore the summer Olympic Games in conjunction with Get OWT resources.

Family includes everyone and everyone is included in the Family of God

Other Useful Resources

Let nature nurture your little ones with this family-oriented programme.

A parent-and-toddler resource filled with singing, listening, dancing and worship. Volume 3 now available!

Daily prayers and graces to share with the family