God’s Amazing World
'God’s Amazing World' is a seven-session outline from 'Jump In!'.
All sessions are for use with Preschool children.
‘Then the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man’s nostrils, and the man became a living person.’
- Genesis 2:7 (NLT)
Suggested Resources:
- The Play-Along Bible
- Playtime Praise Songs for Toddlers
- Playtime Action Songs for Toddlers
- Percussion Instruments
- Instrument Songs
Bible Story
Genesis 1:1-5
The Play-Along Bible
‘Turn on the Lights’, p3
Craft Ideas
- Paper Plate Days of Creation – this resource idea is temporarily unavailable, please check back soon once we have updated the link.
- For more craft ideas check our Pinterest.
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘If you’re happy and you know it’)
The world that God has made is so good,
The world that God has made is so good,
He said, ‘Let there be light’ and created day and night
The world that God has made is so good.
- ‘This little light of mine’
Dear God,
Thank you for our amazing world. Thank you for creating day and night – the day to learn and play, the night to rest and sleep.
Help us to know that you are always with us – day and night.
Bible Story
Genesis 1:6-8
The Play-Along Bible
‘Sky High’, p5
Each week take time to briefly recap the story from the week before
Craft Ideas
- For more craft ideas check our Pinterest.
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘If you’re happy and you know it’)
The world that God has made is so good,
The world that God has made is so good,
The waters floating by and the blue sky way up high,
The world that God has made is so good.
Using the theme song you can add verses from the previous week. Also, you may prefer to choose one or two songs to use throughout the whole series.
- ‘Wide, wide as the ocean’
- ‘If I jump up high’
- ‘Row, row, row your boat’
Dear God,
The waters are deep!
The waters are blue!
The sky is so high!
The sky is blue too!
God made this amazing world for me,
And for you!
Bible Story
Genesis 1:9-13
The Play-Along Bible
‘Land Ho!’ p7
Craft Ideas
- For more craft ideas check our Pinterest.
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘If you’re happy and you know it’)
The world that God has made is so good,
The world that God has made is so good,
The mountains, rocks and sand, the fruit, the trees and land,
The world that God has made is so good.
- ‘He’s got the whole world in his hands’
- ‘Mary, Mary, quite contrary’
Thank you, God, for the amazing world you have made for me.
Thank you, God, for …
Have a bag of items or pictures of flowers, trees, fruit etc, and as you show them get the families to shout out what they are.
Bible Story
Genesis 1:14-19
The Play-Along Bible
‘Sun, moon and stars – oh my!’ p9
Craft Ideas
- For more craft ideas check our Pinterest.
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘If you’re happy and you know it’)
The world that God has made is so good,
The world that God has made is so good,
The sun gives warmth and light, the moon and stars shine bright,
The world that God has made is so good.
- ‘Twinkle, Twinkle’
- ‘I like the sunshine’
- ‘The sun has got its hat on’
Dear God,
Thank you for making the sun that gives our world warmth and light. Thank you for making the moon to shine and the stars to twinkle in the night sky.
Thank you for creating our amazing world.
Bible Story
Genesis 1:20-23
The Play-Along Bible
‘Splishy, Splashy, Squawky, Talky’, p10
Craft Ideas
- For more craft ideas check our Pinterest.
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘If you’re happy and you know it’)
The world that God has made is so good,
The world that God has made is so good,
Octopuses, fish and whales, singing birds with feathered tails,
The world that God has made is so good.
- ‘1,2,3,4,5, once I caught a fish alive’
- ‘Baby Shark’
- ‘Two little dicky birds sitting on a wall’
- ‘Five little ducks went swimming one day’
Dear Father God,
We love to see brightly coloured, shiny fish and octopuses with lots of legs.
We love to see huge whales and sharks with sharp teeth.
We love to see all the different birds flying in the sky or hopping on the ground.
We love to hear the birds singing in the trees.
Thank you, God, for making all the wonderful creatures in our amazing world.
Bible Story
Genesis 1:24-31; 2:4-7, 21-23
The Play-Along Bible
‘In God’s Image’ p12
Craft Ideas
- For more craft ideas check our Pinterest.
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘If you’re happy and you know it’)
The world that God has made is so good,
The world that God has made is so good,
Lion, bear and kangaroo – all the people, me and you,
The world that God has made is so good.
- ‘Who’s the King of the jungle?’
- ‘I can wriggle’
- ‘The Lion’s roar’
Thank you, God, for all the animals you have made in our amazing world!
For lions and tigers that roar,
For monkeys that chatter and crocodiles with snappy teeth,
For dogs that bark and cats that purr,
For mice that squeak and rabbits with twitchy noses.
But most of all I thank you for making me!
For my eyes to see and my ears to hear,
For my nose to smell and my mouth to taste.
For my body so that I can move about and play.
Thank you, God, for making me so special and for loving me very much.
Bible Story
Genesis 2:1-3
The Play-Along Bible
‘A Good Rest’ p15
Craft Ideas
- For more craft ideas check our Pinterest.
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘If you’re happy and you know it’)
The world that God has made is so good,
The world that God has made is so good,
When God saw the world was good, he rested like he should,
The world that God has made is so good.
- ‘He’s got the whole world in his hands’
Any of the songs sung in previous weeks.
Get the children to lie down if possible and close their eyes:
Dear God,
After you created this amazing world, we’re so glad that you rested because it teaches us how we need to rest too.
So just for now I am going to be still and quiet and rest … shhhhhh
Thank you, God, that you are with me in my rest and in my play.
After a short time has passed say: Wake up, everybody! Hurray!

Instrument Songs
Songs that can be used for any Jump IN! session.