Colours of the Rainbow
'Colours of the Rainbow' is a seven-session outline from 'Jump In!'.
All sessions are for use with Preschool children.
‘Then God said, “Let there be lights in the sky to separate day from night. These lights will be used for signs, seasons, days and years.’
- Genesis 1:14 (ICB)
- The final session is about the story of Noah and the promise of the rainbow.
- One of these sessions can easily be adapted to include the celebration of Harvest.
Suggested Resources:
- The Play-Along Bible
- Percussion Instruments
Bible Story
Exodus 5 to 14
The Play-Along Bible
Let God’s People Go! p34
Talk with the children about things that are red, eg apples, strawberries, fire engines etc.
Tell the story of Moses leading God’s people through the Red Sea.
Or you could tell the story of the Little Red Hen and talk about the value of working together and sharing.
Craft Ideas
Make something that is red, eg fire engine, strawberry, ladybird. For ideas see Pinterest.
Enjoy taste testing fruit and vegetables that are red: cherries, tomatoes, peppers, apples, strawberries, radishes
You could begin a group collage of a rainbow, using handprints or tissue paper of each colour of the week.
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘Sing a song of sixpence’)
Colours of the rainbow all around we see,
Apples red and rosy – one for you and me,
Orange carrots cooking, yellow shining sun,
Colours of the rainbow bring such joy to everyone!
Colours of the rainbow all around we see,
Green trees ever growing, blue waves make the sea,
Purple grapes are juicy – so we now can see
Colours of the rainbow tell us God loves you and me!
- ‘God’s rainbow, Dance Fit Tots’
- ‘Bobbing up and down on a little red tractor’
You could make/buy rainbow ribbon wands for use with singing throughout the series
Dear God,
There are lots of things that are red in our world …
Fire engines and tractors, apples and strawberries, red jumpers and socks!
Help us to remember that red is the colour in the Bible that reminds us just how much you love us.
Thank you, God, for all things that are red!
Bible Story
Daniel 6:1-28
The Play-Along Bible
‘The Lions Stay Hungry’, p49
The Tiger who came to Tea, Judith Kerr
Marmalade, The Orange Panda, David Walliams
Each week take time to briefly recap the colour explored from the week before.
Craft Ideas
Make something that is orange, eg lion mask (orange mane), orange, carrot, tiger, goldfish. For ideas see Pinterest.
Enjoy taste testing food that is orange: oranges, carrots, cheesy puffs, orange juice, carrot juice, orange cheese, orange yoghurt
Beware of food allergies
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘Sing a song of sixpence’)
Colours of the rainbow all around we see,
Apples red and rosy – one for you and me,
Orange carrots cooking, yellow shining sun,
Colours of the rainbow bring such joy to everyone!
Colours of the rainbow all around we see,
Green trees ever growing, blue waves make the sea,
Purple grapes are juicy – so we now can see
Colours of the rainbow tell us God loves you and me!
- ‘God’s rainbow, Dance Fit Tots’
- ‘The Lion’s Roar’
Dear God,
Thank you, God, for all things that are orange!
For yummy carrots to eat and orange juice to drink.
For lovely orange flowers in the garden.
For goldfish swimming in bowls and for lions and tigers that live in the jungle.
Thank you, God, that orange is a bright colour that makes us feel happy.
Bible Story
Genesis 1:14-19
The Play-Along Bible
‘Sun, moon and stars – oh my!’ p9
You are my sunshine, Sandra Magsamen
Craft Ideas
Make something that is yellow, eg sun, sunflower, banana, chick, lemon, bee. For ideas see Pinterest.
Play a simple game of finding yellow objects in a tray of custard
Beware of food allergies
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘Sing a song of sixpence’)
Colours of the rainbow all around we see,
Apples red and rosy – one for you and me,
Orange carrots cooking, yellow shining sun,
Colours of the rainbow bring such joy to everyone!
Colours of the rainbow all around we see,
Green trees ever growing, blue waves make the sea,
Purple grapes are juicy – so we now can see
Colours of the rainbow tell us God loves you and me!
- ‘God’s rainbow, Dance Fit Tots’
- ‘You are my sunshine’
- ‘The sun has got its hat on’
Dear God,
Thank you, God, for all things that are yellow!
For bananas, lemons, sweetcorn and custard.
For sunflowers, yellow birds and little baby chicks.
Thank you, God, that colour yellow is bright and beautiful!
Bible Story
Genesis 1:9-13
The Play-Along Bible
‘Land Ho!’ p7
The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Eric Carle
You could also take the opportunity to talk about being ‘green’, ie caring for the planet – recycling, saving energy, not wasting food, water etc.
Craft Ideas
Make something that is green, eg frog, peas, leaves, grass heads. For ideas see Pinterest.
Get the families to sort items into Reduce, Reuse, Recycle piles, or make models from items that can be recycled.
Enjoy taste testing fruit and vegetables that are green: lettuce, cucumber, broccoli, grapes, apples, peppers.
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘Sing a song of sixpence’)
Colours of the rainbow all around we see,
Apples red and rosy – one for you and me,
Orange carrots cooking, yellow shining sun,
Colours of the rainbow bring such joy to everyone!
Colours of the rainbow all around we see,
Green trees ever growing, blue waves make the sea,
Purple grapes are juicy – so we now can see
Colours of the rainbow tell us God loves you and me!
- ‘God’s rainbow, Dance Fit Tots’
- ‘Five little speckled frogs’
- ‘Cauliflowers fluffy’
Dear God,
Thank you, God, for all things that are green!
For green apples, cabbages, peas and cucumbers.
For green grass, leaves on trees, for caterpillars and frogs!
I wonder if green is your favourite colour, God – because the colour green is everywhere in our world!
Help us to look after the beautiful world you created.
Bible Story
Genesis 1:6-8
Jonah 1:1-3:10
The Play-Along Bible
‘Sky High’ p5 or ‘A Fishy Situation’, p44
You could talk about how sometimes people say they feel ‘blue’ and what that means. Remind everyone that God is always near for us to share with him how we feel.
Craft Ideas
Make something that is blue, eg sea scene, sensory bottle or bag, bluebird, whale or shark. For ideas see Pinterest.
Have fun with some water play.
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘Sing a song of sixpence’)
Colours of the rainbow all around we see,
Apples red and rosy – one for you and me,
Orange carrots cooking, yellow shining sun,
Colours of the rainbow bring such joy to everyone!
Colours of the rainbow all around we see,
Green trees ever growing, blue waves make the sea,
Purple grapes are juicy – so we now can see
Colours of the rainbow tell us God loves you and me!
- ‘God’s rainbow, Dance Fit Tots’ OR Hey you
- ‘Baby shark’
- ‘Rainbow’
Dear God,
There are lots of things that are blue in our world …
The sky is blue and the sea is blue. There are blue whales, blue sharks, blue birds and bluebells.
Thank you, God, for all things that are blue!
Help us when we feel ‘blue’ to know that you are always with us.
Bible Story
Acts 16:13-15
Lydia becomes a friend of Jesus
The story of Lydia
Lydia sold purple cloth for a living (Stroke arm down). In Bible times, purple cloth was very expensive and only people with lots of money could afford to buy it (Rub fingers and thumb together).
One day, Lydia was meeting her friends by the river to pray (Hands together), when some new people arrived that she hadn’t seen before. But Lydia smiled to make them feel welcome (Smile).
Their names were Paul (Right thumb up) and Silas (Left thumb up), and Paul began telling Lydia and her friends some wonderful stories about a man named Jesus (Wiggle right thumb).
Paul told them about some of the amazing things Jesus had done, and as Lydia listened (Cup ear) she decided that she wanted to become a follower of Jesus too (Put hands on heart).
Then Lydia invited Paul and Silas to come and stay with her family at her house (Beckon to come) as she wanted everyone (Circle arms) to hear (Cup ear) all about Jesus (Point up forefinger).
You may like to find samples of purple cloth, scarves or clothes to dress children up in.
Craft Ideas
Make something that is purple, eg parrot, grapes, plums, flowers, octopus. For ideas see Pinterest.
Have fun mixing blue and red paint to make different shades of purple.
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘Sing a song of sixpence’)
Colours of the rainbow all around we see,
Apples red and rosy – one for you and me,
Orange carrots cooking, yellow shining sun,
Colours of the rainbow bring such joy to everyone!
Colours of the rainbow all around we see,
Green trees ever growing, blue waves make the sea,
Purple grapes are juicy – so we now can see
Colours of the rainbow tell us God loves you and me!
- ‘God’s rainbow, Dance Fit Tots’
- ‘Cauliflowers fluffy’
Dear God,
There are lots of things that are purple in our world …
There are purple plums, purple grapes, and purple flowers.
There are purple parrots, purple jellyfish and purple clothes.
Thank you that, like Lydia, we can also be your friends.
Thank you, God, for all things that are purple!
Bible Story
Genesis 6:9-8:22
The Play-Along Bible
‘Safe from the storm’ p18
Craft Ideas
Make rainbow biscuits using coloured water icing, small jelly sweets, hundreds and thousands etc.
Or find another rainbow craft on Pinterest.
Play a sorting game using items of many colours to make a rainbow.
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘Sing a song of sixpence’)
Colours of the rainbow all around we see,
Apples red and rosy – one for you and me,
Orange carrots cooking, yellow shining sun,
Colours of the rainbow bring such joy to everyone!
Colours of the rainbow all around we see,
Green trees ever growing, blue waves make the sea,
Purple grapes are juicy – so we now can see
Colours of the rainbow tell us God loves you and me!
- ‘God’s rainbow, Dance Fit Tots’
- ‘When you see a rainbow, remember God is love’
- ‘Rainbow’
Thank you, God, for the rainbow world that you have made for us.
For red tomatoes and strawberries.
For orange carrots and juicy oranges.
For yellow bananas and lemons.
For green cabbages and broccoli.
For blue sea and water.
For purple grapes and flowers.
Thank you, God, that the rainbow reminds us that you love us very much. Amen.