Get OWT!
Get OWT! is a family-oriented programme that uses nature to nurture little ones.
Use the resources below as a starting point to help deliver an exciting and engaging outdoor experience for toddlers and their carers.

Start Here!
Thinking about starting Get OWT!, or just want to learn more?
The planning and preparation documents (including ‘Get OWT! in 10 Simple Steps’ above) are designed to help you create and deliver an effective programme.
They provide the necessary space and tools to consider all essential factors before launch.

What is Get OWT!?
An editable poster that introduces the Get OWT! programme.

Get OWT! Risk Assessment
An editable document to make Get OWT! sessions as safe as possible.

Get OWT! Poster
An editable poster to advertise Get OWT! sessions and give practical information.

Get OWT! Registration Form
An editable document to gather key information about participants, including photo consent.

Get OWT! Record of Attendance
An editable record of who is attending each session.

Leaders in Attendance Form
The Salvation Army's recording sheet to note leaders present for each session.

Get OWT! Notice for Door
An editable notice to greet participants and give them essential information.

Get OWT! Hand Sanitiser Sign
A notice to remind participants to use hand sanitiser.

Get OWT! Welcome Sign
An editable notice welcoming participants, with space for any additional information.

Get OWT! Donations Signs
Two notices inviting participants to sign in and leave a small donation (one with an editable suggested amount, one without).

Get OWT! Template Information Sheet
A plain template to add any useful information.

Get OWT! 10 Template Activity Sheets With Illustrations
10 illustrated templates to add your activity titles and descriptions.

Easter Session
Spring to life with this Easter-themed session outline, featuring activities, stories, songs, questions and a prayer.

Easter Trail Sheet
A printable Easter egg trail sheet that tells the story of Jesus' death and resurrection in an age-appropriate way.

Easter Trail Images
Printable images to accompany the Easter egg trail sheet.
Love the Earth Series
Welcome to this new Get OWT! series inspired by The Salvation Army’s mission priority to care for creation. Even the youngest children can begin to understand how precious our planet is and some of the ways we can look after it.
As grown-ups and children explore each theme and activity together, they can both be inspired to wonder about the world we live in and think about what they can do to look after it. The different themes connect with the biblical story of creation and with young children’s experience of the world around them.
1. Wonderful World!
2. Green and Growing!
3. Tree-mendous Trees!
4. Super Space!
5. Amazing Animals!
6. Marvellous Me!
How to use this resource
You could use these sessions over the spring and summer months with your regular toddler group if you’re feeling brave enough to venture outside. Alternatively, if you’re looking to begin something new, you could use them for an outreach activity in the summer holidays, or even some simple outdoor worship sessions for families with young children.
We recommend starting with five or six activities. You can always add more as numbers grow, or if you think it is manageable. Be realistic with what you can transport and set up, and feel free to add your own ideas and creativity.
Each session outline includes activity suggestions. You can find the details of these and other activities on The Salvation Army Family Ministries Pinterest page.
As a guide, the suggested activities have asterisks to show how easy they are to prepare and set up:
* This activity is simple to set up – gather the resources and go!
** This activity requires a bit of preparation, eg making play-dough or gathering a few different materials.
*** This activity may need some extra time to source, make or freeze things, or to gather resources, so plan well in advance.

Wonderful World! Session Outline
An editable outline for a creation-inspired Get OWT! session, featuring activities, stories, songs, questions and a prayer.

Nature Scavenger Hunt
A printable trail sheet that invites wonder at the natural world.

Green and Growing! Session Outline
An editable outline for a plant-inspired Get OWT! session, featuring activities, stories, songs, questions and a prayer.

Bees and Flowers Trail
A printable trail that invites participants to collect nectar from flowers, like bees.

Flower Vase Template
A printable template for the dandelion vase art activity.

Tree-mendous Trees! Session Outline
An editable outline for a tree-inspired Get OWT! session, featuring activities, stories, songs, questions and a prayer.

Tree Trail
A printable trail that celebrates just how wonderful trees are.

Super Space! Session Outline
An editable outline for a space-inspired Get OWT! session, featuring activities, stories, songs, questions and a prayer.

Space Trail
A printable trail that sets participants off on a 'space walk' to explore the wonders of the universe.

Straw Rockets Template
A printable template for the straw rockets activity.

Amazing Animals! Session Outline
An editable outline for an animal-inspired Get OWT! session, featuring activities, stories, songs, questions and a prayer.

Animals Trail
A printable trail inviting participants to look after endangered animals.

Marvellous Me! Session Outline
An editable outline for a people-inspired Get OWT! session, featuring activities, stories, songs, questions and a prayer.

Marvellous Me Trail
A printable trail celebrating people and all the things we can do to look after the planet.
Below are some FAQs answered by Nick and Shelley Ward, the creators of Get OWT!. For more information, advice and guidance, read ‘Get OWT! in 10 Simple Steps’.
What does a session roughly look like?
We find it helpful to ask families to book in advance using Eventbrite to ensure we have enough resources, although there are often families who turn up on the day. We ask families to sign in and then enjoy the activities in any order they choose.
Some activities take place in and around the event shelter, while others could take place in the meadow or woodland area – for instance a scavenger hunt or trail.
We end the session with a story and singing, and then bubbles or parachute games. Even outside, it’s good to gather everyone together as you might at an indoor toddler group.
What if we don’t have a nice outside area to use?
You can make your venue work for you! Nature is everywhere, even in a very urban area. You might need to undertake a ‘recce’ to find out what spaces will be suitable, or work together with other people in your community.
We contacted our local authority to ask for permission to use the meadow and woodland. You might need to find out if you can attach resources to lamp posts, fences and gates. Private landowners often encourage people to explore the outdoors, so don’t be put off if the space you’d like to use is privately owned. Contact the owner and see if permission can be granted to use the space.
What happens if it rains or is very cold?
Our mantra is, ‘There’s no such thing as bad weather – only wrong clothing’.
We have journeyed with our families and they know we will be there unless the rain is torrential, the wind is dangerous or the temperature is very, very cold. Generally, families understand the value of getting outside each day and so we have trusted them to make the decision for themselves.
We will only cancel in exceptional circumstances.
Where do you find the resources you use?
If you want to follow our programme, you will find material on this page to get you started. The Salvation Army Family Ministries Pinterest page also features many activity ideas, including some specifically tied in with Get OWT!.
We get inspiration from children’s stories, nature and the world around us. If you’re stuck for ideas, don’t worry, as there are lots of resources online and several good books outlining outdoor activities. We sometimes ask families to suggest themes for sessions, and some parents, especially the creative ones, are happy to come up with ideas linked with the themes. We find this empowers the families and helps keep them included.
We would encourage you to get creative and come up with your own sessions!
Is there a faith aspect to GET OWT!?
Get OWT! provides the opportunity to nurture the wellbeing and spirituality of toddlers and their carers, whatever beliefs and background they have. In fact, the writer of Psalm 19 wrote that the created world helps people to discover and know God without speaking any words!
We have loved seeing families enjoy the elements, notice ladybirds on bushes and listen to birdsong. Toddlers are naturally curious and will marvel at things which adults often take for granted. When you choose your activities and location, try to make sure there are opportunities for families to slow down and encounter the beauty of nature for themselves.
In addition, each session on this page has a Bible story, song ideas and a prayer. Celebrations such as Christmas, Easter and Harvest can be particularly good opportunities to offer a faith story and activities.
Having The Salvation Army’s publications (Kids Alive! and War Cry) available for families to take home is another way for them to learn more about The Salvation Army and the Christian faith.
Discover More

Leaping into faith with little ones. A Bible-based curriculum for those working with pre-school children and their carers.

A parent-and-toddler resource filled with singing, listening, dancing and worship. Volume 3 now available!

Support, training and resources to inspire families and individuals to flourish and develop in their faith journey.