This is Me!
'This is Me!' is a seven-session outline from 'Jump In!'.
All sessions are for use with Preschool children.
‘I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way. What you have done is wonderful. I know this very well.’
- Psalm 139:14 (ICB)
- The key verse for this series is Psalm 139:14 and a memory verse song is included to help focus on this. Additional Bible stories are given to help highlight each theme.
- If you have children or adults with additional needs/disabilities attending your group, you may need to adapt some of the activities accordingly.
Suggested Resources:
- The Play-Along Bible
- Playtime Praise Songs for Toddlers
- Playtime Action Songs for Toddlers
- Percussion Instruments
- Instrument Praise Songs
Bible Story
Psalm 139:14 (ICB)
‘I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way. What you have done is wonderful. I know this very well.’
The Play-Along Bible
‘Hearing God’s voice’, p41
Craft Ideas
- Make a set of cardboard ears on a headband. You can do human or animal ears.
- Play a game of ‘What sound is this?’
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘Twinkle, Twinkle’)
I am learning all about me,
I can hear and I can see,
I can talk and taste and smell,
I can touch and move as well.
Thank you, God, for making me, me!
I’m as happy as can be.
- ‘I am wonderfully made’
- ‘Heads and shoulders’ praise song
- ‘I hear thunder’
- ‘Wake up, little bunnies’
Thank you, Lord, for ears that hear …
Ask everyone to talk about sounds they like to hear, eg fire engine siren, musical instruments, animals and birds, children’s laughter etc.
Create a simple prayer with the response ‘Thank you, God, for ears that hear’ and get them to cup their ears as they say it.
Bible Story
Psalm 139:14 (ICB)
‘I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way. What you have done is wonderful. I know this very well.’
The Play-Along Bible
‘Seeing the Light’, p98
Craft Ideas
- Make a mask, some goggles, binoculars or glasses.
- Play a simple game of ‘I Spy’.
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘Twinkle, Twinkle’)
I am learning all about me,
I can hear and I can see,
I can talk and taste and smell,
I can touch and move as well.
Thank you, God, for making me, me!
I’m as happy as can be.
- ‘I am wonderfully made’
- ‘A sailor went to sea, sea, sea’
Dear God,
Every day my eyes see so many things!
I see my family and friends.
I see the sky and the trees.
I see houses and buses.
I see lots of different colours.
There are so many things for my eyes to see that I can’t name them all!
Thank you, God, that I have eyes to see.
Bible Story
Psalm 139:14 (ICB)
‘I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way. What you have done is wonderful. I know this very well.’
The Play-Along Bible
‘Big Wall, Big Fall’, p57
Craft Ideas
- Make a megaphone using old milk cartons or rolled-up cardboard – or a telephone.
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘Twinkle, Twinkle’)
I am learning all about me,
I can hear and I can see,
I can talk and taste and smell,
I can touch and move as well.
Thank you, God, for making me, me!
I’m as happy as can be.
- ‘I am wonderfully made’
- ‘I’m gonna clap my hands’
- ‘Heads and shoulders’ praise song
Thank you, God, that I can talk.
I can talk very quickly
I can talk very slowly
I can talk quietly in a whisper
I can shout very loudly
Thank you, God, that I can talk to my family and our friends.
Thank you, God, that I can talk to you when I pray.
Bible Story
Psalm 139:14 (ICB)
‘I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way. What you have done is wonderful. I know this very well.’
The Play-Along Bible
‘The Huge Feast’, p73
Craft Ideas
- Decorate biscuits or small cakes to taste at snack time.
- Make a replica mouth from a paper plate.
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘Twinkle, Twinkle’)
I am learning all about me,
I can hear and I can see,
I can talk and taste and smell,
I can touch and move as well.
Thank you, God, for making me, me!
I’m as happy as can be.
- ‘I am wonderfully made’
- ‘God is good to me, God is good to me
He gives me lips to eat my chips,
God is good to me!
God is good to me, God is good to me,
He gives me jelly to fill my belly!
God is good to me!’
Prayer Song
(Tune: ‘The wheels on the bus’)
The fruit in the bowl tastes very sweet, very sweet, very sweet,
The fruit in the bowl tastes very sweet.
Thank you, God.
The vegetables on my plate taste yum, yum, yum …
Bible Story
Psalm 139:14 (ICB)
‘I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way. What you have done is wonderful. I know this very well.’
The Play-Along Bible
‘A Fishy Situation’, p44
Note: While telling the story talk about how smelly it would have been for Jonah inside the big fish!
Craft Ideas
Make animal noses.
Play a simple game of guess the smell.
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘Twinkle, Twinkle’)
I am learning all about me,
I can hear and I can see,
I can talk and taste and smell,
I can touch and move as well.
Thank you, God, for making me, me!
I’m as happy as can be.
- ‘I am wonderfully made’
- ‘Jonah’
- ‘Heads and shoulders’ praise song
Thank you, God, that we can smell so many different things.
For bread and cakes and biscuits sweet,
For bubble bath and cheesy feet!
For fish and chips and buttered toast,
For salty sea and Sunday roast.
Thank you, God, that we can smell so many different things.
Bible Story
Psalm 139:14 (ICB)
‘I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way. What you have done is wonderful. I know this very well.’
The Play-Along Bible
‘Just have faith’, p70
Note: While telling the story talk about how Jesus took the girl by the hand.
Craft Ideas
Draw around the child’s hand and then stick to each fingertip things that feel different, eg cotton wool, sandpaper etc.
Do some simple finger painting or hand printing.
Play with playdough.
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘Twinkle, Twinkle’)
I am learning all about me,
I can hear and I can see,
I can talk and taste and smell,
I can touch and move as well.
Thank you, God, for making me, me!
I’m as happy as can be.
- ‘I am wonderfully made’
- ‘Heads and shoulders’ praise song
Feeling things that are hot or cold,
Feeling things that are new or old,
Feeling things that are smooth or rough,
Feeling things that are soft or tough.
Feeling things with my fingers small,
Thank you, God, I can touch them all.
Bible Story
Psalm 139:14 (ICB)
‘I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way. What you have done is wonderful. I know this very well.’
The Play-Along Bible
‘Up a tree’, p84
Note: While telling the story talk about how Zacchaeus climbed up and down the tree.
Craft Ideas
Make ribbon rings that you can use when dancing to music.
Make a simple puppet with moving parts or a sock puppet that moves with the child’s hand.
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘Twinkle, Twinkle’)
I am learning all about me,
I can hear and I can see,
I can talk and taste and smell,
I can touch and move as well.
Thank you, God, for making me, me!
I’m as happy as can be.
- ‘I am wonderfully made
- ‘I can clap my hands’
- ‘If I jump up high’
- ‘Heads, shoulders, knees and toes’
- ‘Hokey Cokey’
Action Prayer
Thank you, Lord, that I can move,
For feet to stamp and legs to run,
For hands to clap and arms to swing,
For heads to shake and lips to kiss.
Thank you, Lord, that I can move,
For giving us bodies to reach up high and bend down low.
Thank you, Lord, that I can move.
- (Tune: ‘Row, row, row your boat’)
Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands and sing.
We can clap to praise you, God,
Praise for everything!
Wave, wave, wave your hands,
Wave your hands and sing.
We can wave to praise you, God,
Praise for everything!
Play, play, play the tune
Play the tune and sing.
We can play to praise you, God,
Praise for everything!
- (Tune: ‘London Bridge is falling down’)
We are clapping praise to God,
Praise to God, praise to God!
We are clapping praise to God
For he loves us!
We are shouting praise to God….
We are playing praise to God….
- (Tune: ‘We all clap hands together’)
We all clap hands together,
We all clap hands together,
We all clap hands together,
We’re praising God today!
We all ring bells together …
We all bang drums together …
We play along together …
- (Tune: ‘Wind the bobbin up’)
Play your instruments, play your instruments.
Praise, praise, praise the Lord.
Play your instruments, play your instruments.
Praise, praise, praise the Lord.
Play them high and play them low,
Play them fast and play them slow,
Play them all together – one, two, three –
Put them down very quietly. Shhhhhhh
- (Tune: ‘The wheels on the bus’)
Listen to the drums go bang, bang, bang …
Praising God!
Listen to the bells go ting, ting, ting …
Listen to the shakers go shake, shake, shake …
Listen to the trumpets go toot, toot, toot …
Listen to us all make lots of noise …
- (Tune: ‘Do you know the muffin man?’)
Let’s praise God with instruments,
With instruments, with instruments,
Let’s praise God with instruments,
He loves to hear us play!
Let’s praise God with happy smiles …
Let’s praise God with lots of noise …
Let’s praise God so quietly …