Good News!
A three-session series outline looking at the Christmas Story and the good news of Jesus' birth shared by the angels.
Suggested Resources:
God's Big Promises Bible Storybook , written by Carl Laferton and illustrated by Jennifer Davison
The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman
The Big Red Book (Tiddlywinks). , Scripture Union
Percussion instruments
- Instrument songs
Bible Story
Luke 1:26-38
God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook, Carl Laferton, ‘An Angel Visits Mary’, p217.
The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman, ‘A Special Message’, p50.
Note: if you use this version, you only need the first half of the story as we will look at Joseph’s dream next week.
Ask people to share any good news they have.
Say that you have some very special news to share in today’s story. Tell the story of the angel visiting Mary to tell her she is going to have a special baby.
Explain that this was exceptionally good news because it shows that God loves us all very much.
Song suggestions
1. Theme Song
(Tune: ‘The wheels on the bus’)
An angel came to Mary with good news,
With good news, with good news.
An angel came to Mary with good news,
Listen now.
You will have a baby, God’s own Son,
God’s own son, God’s own Son.
You will have a baby, God’s own Son.
That’s good news!
2. ‘An Angel Came From Heaven’
3. ‘Counting Down to Christmas’ Counting Down to Christmas - Lyric Video on Vimeo
4. 'Too Wonderful'
Craft ideas and other activities
Make a simple angel craft or begin creating a set of Nativity characters or puppets using printable templates.
A variety of Advent craft ideas can be found at
Get everyone to join in the response and say, ‘Good news!’
The angel came to Mary – good news!
Mary is having a baby – good news!
Jesus is his name – good news!
He is God’s only Son – good news!
Thank you, God, for Christmas – good news!
The Big Red Book (Tiddlywinks), Scripture Union.
Bible Story
Matthew 1:18-25
God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook, Carl Laferton, ‘The Angel Speaks to Joseph’, p220.
The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman, ‘A Special Message’, p50.
Note: if you use this version you can recap on last week’s story and then read the section about Joseph’s dream.
Explain that Joseph and Mary were planning to get married, but Joseph was very surprised when Mary told him about the Angel’s visit and that she was going to have a baby. Joseph was not sure if he wanted to marry Mary any more, but God sent an angel to speak to Joseph in a dream and to share with him the good news that this baby was incredibly special – God’s own Son.
Song suggestions
1. Theme Song
(Tune: ‘The wheels on the bus’)
An angel came to Joseph with good news,
With good news, with good news,
An angel came to Joseph with good news,
In a dream.
You must marry Mary right away,
Right away, right away.
You must marry Mary right away,
It’s God’s plan.
2. ‘Counting Down to Christmas’ Counting Down to Christmas - Lyric Video on Vimeo
3. ‘Too Wonderful’
Craft ideas and other activities
If you are making a Nativity scene or puppets, you can continue this.
For other Advent craft ideas see
Get everyone to join in the response and say, ‘Good news!’
The angel came to Joseph in a dream – good news!
He told him that Mary is having a baby – good news!
And that Joseph and Mary should get married – good news!
The baby will be called Jesus – good news!
He is God’s only Son – good news!
Thank you, God, for Christmas – good news!
The Big Red Book (Tiddlywinks), Scripture Union (adapted).
Bible Story
Luke 2:1-18
God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook, Carl Laferton, ‘Jesus is born’, p227.
The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman, ‘Away in a Manger’, p52 and ‘The Saviour Has Been Born’, p55.
After Baby Jesus is born, the angels go to tell the shepherds the good news!
I wonder how the shepherds felt when they saw the angels. I wonder how they felt as they made their way to find the baby. I wonder how they felt when they saw Baby Jesus lying in the manger.
It was such good news that the shepherds praised and thanked God all the way home.
This Christmas we want to praise and thank God for the good news of Jesus too.
Song suggestions
1. Theme Song
(Tune: ‘The wheels on the bus')
The angels told the shepherds this good news,
This good news, this good news.
The angels told the shepherds this good news,
The baby’s born!
The baby is born in Bethlehem,
Bethlehem, Bethlehem.
The baby is born in Bethlehem,
God’s own Son!
Clap your hands and sing for such good news,
Such good news, such good news.
Clap your hands and sing for such good news,
At Christmas time!
2. ‘Oh What A Special Night’
3. ‘Counting Down to Christmas’ Counting Down to Christmas - Lyric Video on Vimeo
4. ‘Too Wonderful’
Craft ideas and other activities
If you are making a Nativity scene or puppets, you can continue this.
For other Advent craft ideas see
Get everyone to join in the response and say, ‘Good news!’
The angel appeared to the shepherds – good news!
He told them that God’s own Son had been born in Bethlehem – good news!
Jesus is his name – good news!
He is God’s only Son – good news!
Lots of angels sang praises to God – good news!
The shepherds went to see the baby and praised and thanked God –good news!
Thank you, God, for Christmas – good news! Amen.
The Big Red Book (Tiddlywinks), Scripture Union (adapted).