Celebrating Easter!
A two-session series outline for use with Preschool children to celebrate Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday.
Suggested Resources:
God's Big Promises Bible Storybook , written by Carl Laferton and illustrated by Jennifer Davison
The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman
The Lion Easy-read Bible , written by Christina Goodings and illustrated by Jamie Smith
Percussion instruments
Bible Story
Matthew 21:1-11
The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman, ‘Clippity-Clop’, p86
God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook, Carl Laferton, ‘The King on a donkey’, p326.
The Lion Easy-read Bible, Christina Goodings, ‘Ride into Jerusalem’ p.294.
Talk about how Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem riding on a donkey and how all the people waved palm branches and cheered.
Song suggestions
1. Theme Song
(Tune: ‘Here we go round the mulberry bush’)
Jesus went to Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
Jesus went to Jerusalem riding on a donkey.
The people there all waved and cheered,
Waved and cheered, waved and cheered.
The people there all waved and cheered at Jesus on a donkey.
Jesus showed that he is King, he is King, he is King,
Jesus showed that he is King by riding on a donkey.
2. (Tune: ‘What shall we do with a drunken sailor’)
We have a King who rides a donkey,
We have a King who rides a donkey,
We have a King who rides a donkey,
And his name is Jesus!
Hooray! The King is coming!
Hooray! The King is coming!
Hooray! The King is coming!
And his name is Jesus!
3. (Tune: ‘The wheels on the bus’)
Jesus on the donkey comes riding in, riding in, riding in,
Jesus on the donkey comes riding in
At Easter time.
The donkey on the road goes clip, clip, clop … …
The people on the road shout ‘Hosanna’ … …
(Adapted, More Songs for Little Singers, Diocese of Wakefield 2003)
4. ‘Hosanna Rock’ https://youtu.be/iVwhdqDrfz8
Craft ideas and other activities
Make a ‘hobby donkey’ by giving each child two donkey head shapes to decorate by colouring or sticking on silver tissue or crepe paper. Ensure the shapes face different ways. Add wool fringing for a mane. Sandwich the end of a garden cane between the two head shapes and hold in place with parcel tape.
Play ‘Pin the Tail on the Donkey’
Make palm branches by using painted handprints for the leaves and some cardboard as the stem.
Or choose another Palm Sunday craft:
Sensory Play
Use musical instruments like drums and maracas to make the sound of a donkey’s hoofs.
- Recreate the scene of Jesus coming into Jerusalem on a donkey. Use character figures from a Nativity scene or playset including a donkey and a man. Have pieces of cloth on the ground and pieces of green-dyed rice on the ground.
A prayer to join in:
Hip, Hip, Hooray!
Hip, Hip, Hooray!
Hip, Hip, Hooray!
Jesus is our King today!
Practise getting the children to join in. If they have made hobby donkeys they could ride round on them or wave palm branches.
Bible Story
Easter Story
Bring out hollow coloured Easter eggs with the items in brackets inside, and as you open them tell the Easter story.
GREEN (donkey) – Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and everyone shouted and cheered for him. We celebrate this on Palm Sunday.
PINK (bread) – On Thursday, Jesus had a very special meal with his friends.
ORANGE (coins) – Jesus’ friend Judas told the guards where to find Jesus to capture him. Judas did this for 30 pieces of silver.
BLUE (nails) – On Friday some men who didn’t like Jesus took him away to die on a cross.
YELLOW (white handkerchief) – On Saturday some of Jesus’ friends wrapped Jesus’ body in a white sheet and put it into a special cave.
GOLDEN (empty!) – But on Sunday, Jesus was alive! It was the first Easter Day!
PURPLE (chocolate eggs) – They remind us that Jesus died and rose again for us.
The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman, ‘The Cross’, p90 and ‘Alive Again!’ p93
Although the story of Good Friday might be difficult for small children to understand, it is important that we talk about both the death and resurrection of Jesus as part of the Easter Story.
Song suggestions
1. Theme Song
(Tune: ‘If you’re happy and you know it’)
If you want to welcome Jesus, wave your arms.
If you want to welcome Jesus, wave your arms.
We want all the world to see, Jesus loves both you and me;
If you want to welcome Jesus, wave your arms.
If you’re sad that Jesus died, stamp your feet,
If you’re sad that Jesus died, stamp your feet,
We want all the world to see, Jesus loves both you and me;
If you’re sad that Jesus died, stamp your feet!
If you’re happy Jesus lives, shout ‘We are!’
If you’re happy Jesus lives, shout ‘We are!’
We want all the world to see, Jesus loves both you and me.
If you’re happy Jesus lives, shout ‘We are!’
2. ‘Jesus is alive, it’s a happy day’ https://youtu.be/FzxN0D3voo0?list=PLh_ZCcaNyX7f4BwV4-n7pWv-5r73jOM5M
3. ‘123 Jesus is alive’ https://youtu.be/MIf9jv4pVTM
4. ‘Jumping up and down’ https://youtu.be/O2u_w5rcFqY
Craft ideas and other activities
Make a simple Easter basket to decorate and add some chocolate eggs to take home.
Use Easter-themed food decorations to decorate biscuits to look like Easter eggs. Please be aware of food allergies.
Or choose another Easter craft:
Sensory Play
Easter egg hunt. If you have the plastic eggs, use shredded paper and add in different items related to Easter. For example, a chick, a small donkey or a little cross.
- Make an Easter garden. Use natural materials like rocks and sticks for the children to play with.
Action Prayer
(Heads down, sad faces)
I feel sad, I feel sorry, Jesus died upon the cross.
(Heads up, smiling faces!)
I feel great, I feel happy, Jesus is alive again!
Happy Easter!
Easter shout
The Big Yellow Book, Tiddlywinks, p27.
This can be done marching around using musical instruments.
Jesus is alive today.
Hooray! Hooray!
He is with us every day.
Hooray! Hooray!