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Becoming a Christian
Becoming a Christian is about accepting God’s gift of love.
When we accept God’s gift of love, we:
- Believe that God created us and wants to love us
- Recognise we do things that separate us from God’s love and seek forgiveness
- Have faith that Jesus has overcome anything that can separate us from God’s love
- Trust the Holy Spirit to make us more like Jesus
- Commit our lives to loving God and loving others
It’s important to say that God’s gift is free – we don’t score points with God. No matter how good we are, we can never earn our salvation or replace what Jesus has done for us.
If being a good person was enough to put things right between us and God, then Jesus’ death wasn’t needed and was pointless. Repentance and trust is what’s needed in response to the unconditional love of God, which continues to be offered whether we turn to God or not.
We also must remember that just as we can decide to turn to God, we can decide to turn away again – God's gift of free will is never removed and, as humans, we continue to make mistakes. We need to accept God’s gift of love every day.
If you are taking a step to accept God’s gift of love for the first time, you may find saying this prayer* helpful:
* Extract from Why Jesus? By Nicky Gumbel, published by Alpha International 2011.
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Devotions, articles and resources to help you journey through Lent and celebrate Easter.

Devotions, podcasts, articles and resources to help you journey through Advent and celebrate Christmas.

This Open Learning course introduces you to some of the passages in the Bible that can help you to grow in your new relationship with God.

This bite-sized Open Learning course introduces you to the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples to say in Luke 11:1–4.

Join Salvationists across the territory in worship, with music, prayer and a Bible message from a guest speaker.