God's Friends in the Old Testament
A seven-session series outline for use with Preschool children to explore some of the great stories of God’s Friends in the Old Testament.
Suggested resources:
- The Play-Along Bible
- God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook, Carl Laferton.
- The Lion Easy Read Bible, Christina Goodings.
- Percussion instruments
Bible Story
Exodus 14
The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman: ‘Let God’s people go’, p34
God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook, Carl Laferton: ‘A path through the sea’, p98
Talk about the story and how God was with Moses.
How would the people have felt when they saw there was no way to escape from the Egyptian soldiers? But God was with Moses, so when he held up his staff the sea parted to make a path and all God’s people were kept safe. Just as God was with Moses and his people, so he is with us today and can help us face tough times in our lives.
Note: Make sure to emphasise that children should never go near ponds, rivers or seas without an adult to keep them safe.
Song suggestions
1. Theme Song (Tune: ‘If you’re happy and you know it’)
If you’re a friend of God, clap your hands!
If you’re a friend of God, clap your hands!
God is with me every day – when at school or out to play,
If you’re a friend of God, clap your hands!
If you’re a friend of God, stamp your feet!
God is with me every day – he will hear me when I pray.
If you’re a friend of God, shout Amen!
God is with me every day – he won’t ever go away.
If you’re a friend of God, do all three! (Clap hands, stamp your feet, shout ‘Amen’) God is with me every day – I can trust him come what may.
Backing track available at https://youtu.be/dSXfN9Cj-zI
2. 'All through History’, Nick and Becky Drake https://youtu.be/hQS2HHayr38
3. ‘How did Moses cross the Red Sea?’, Christian songs and videos https://youtu.be/s7DR2fApRxQ
4. ‘I know that God loves me’, Dance Fit Tots https://youtu.be/1SNttzK_Nhk
5. ‘God will take care of me’, Emmanuel Christian https://youtu.be/Bflby59z1BI
Craft ideas and other activities
- Create a simple staff using cardboard tubes or small beanpoles.
- Decorate rectangle biscuits with blue icing down each side to portray the parted Red Sea. For Moses, stick a pretzel stick to a jelly baby using icing and then stick him in the parted waters. Be aware of allergies.
For other ideas see https://www.pinterest.co.uk/FamilyMinistriesUKIT/gods-friends-in-the-old-testament/
Sensory Play
- Water play or make sea-themed sensory bottles.
- Using blue coloured rice, material or shredded tissue paper to make the sea, ask the children to make a parting through the middle of the sea and march figures through it.
Ask people to join in this prayer with the response, ‘Because God is with us!’ in bold.
We don’t have to be afraid! Why not?
Because God is with us!
We don’t have to be scared! Why not?
Because God is with us!
We don’t have to be frightened! Why not?
Because God is with us!
We don’t need to be worried! Why not?
Because God is with us!
God is always with us! (All clap and cheer!)
Bible Story
Joshua 6
The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman: ‘Big wall, big fall’, p37.
God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook, Carl Laferton: ‘The Walls of Jericho’, p126.
Talk about the story and how Joshua was very brave. Talk about how God was with Joshua, and when he obeyed God’s instructions, he was able to capture the city of Jericho.
How would Joshua have felt when the walls came crashing down? Just as God was with Joshua, so God is with us today and can help us overcome difficult situations.
Craft ideas and other activities
- Trumpets made from paper cones and decorated. Add a ribbon or piece of string to wear across the body.
- Play a game of follow the leader. March around and copy the actions of the leader at the front.
For other ideas see https://www.pinterest.co.uk/FamilyMinistriesUKIT/gods-friends-in-the-old-testament/
Song suggestions
1. Theme Song (Tune: ‘If you’re happy and you know it’)
If you’re a friend of God, clap your hands!
If you’re a friend of God, clap your hands!
God is with me every day – when at school or out to play,
If you’re a friend of God, clap your hands!
If you’re a friend of God, stamp your feet!
God is with me every day – he will hear me when I pray.
If you’re a friend of God, shout Amen!
God is with me every day – he won’t ever go away.
If you’re a friend of God, do all three! (Clap hands, stamp your feet, shout ‘Amen’) God is with me every day – I can trust him come what may.
Backing track available at https://youtu.be/dSXfN9Cj-zI
2. ‘All through History’, Nick and Becky Drake https://youtu.be/hQS2HHayr38
3. ‘I know that God loves me’, Dance Fit Tots, https://youtu.be/1SNttzK_Nhk
4. ‘God will take care of me’, Emmanuel Christian https://youtu.be/Bflby59z1BI
5. ‘Here we go round the Jericho Wall’, https://youtu.be/DjRAfhOiQQ0
Sensory Play
- Use building blocks to build the walls of Jericho. Shout and cheer when you knock them over.
- Brick printing. Using building bricks of different sizes, dip in paint and print pictures.
Explain to everyone that praise means telling God that you think he’s great! Get everyone to march around the room seven times repeating ‘Praise God – he is with us!’ Start by speaking in a quiet whisper and get louder the more times you go around the room. If you made trumpets, you could use them too, but if not, you could use percussion instruments.
Bible Story
Ruth 1 to 4
The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman: ‘A New Start’, p38.
God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook, Carl Laferton: ‘Ruth Finds a Family’, p143.
Talk about the story and how God was with Ruth. Talk about how Ruth was willing to go with her mother-in-law even though it meant leaving her home.
How would Ruth feel about leaving her home behind? Ruth and Naomi were kept safe and eventually Ruth married a very kind man called Boaz. Just as God was with Ruth and Naomi, so he is with us today and we can trust him just like Ruth.
Craft ideas and other activities
- Make friendship bracelets using curling ribbon for easy threading with large plastic or foam beads, or Cheerio-type cereals. If you have time, make two – one to keep and one to share with a friend.
- Thank you cards – make simple cards to be given to people who care for you to say ‘Thank you’.
- For other ideas see Make friendship bracelets using curling ribbon for easy threading with large plastic or foam beads, or Cheerio-type cereals. If you have time, make two – one to keep and one to share with a friend.
- Thank you cards – make simple cards to be given to people who care for you to say ‘Thank you’.
- For other ideas see https://www.pinterest.co.uk/FamilyMinistriesUKIT/gods-friends-in-the-old-testament/
Song suggestions
1. Theme Song (Tune: ‘If you’re happy and you know it’)
If you’re a friend of God, clap your hands!
If you’re a friend of God, clap your hands!
God is with me every day – when at school or out to play,
If you’re a friend of God, clap your hands!
If you’re a friend of God, stamp your feet!
God is with me every day – he will hear me when I pray.
If you’re a friend of God, shout Amen!
God is with me every day – he won’t ever go away.
If you’re a friend of God, do all three! (Clap hands, stamp your feet, shout ‘Amen’) God is with me every day – I can trust him come what may.
Backing track available at https://youtu.be/dSXfN9Cj-zI
2. ‘All through History’, Nick and Becky Drake https://youtu.be/hQS2HHayr38
3. ‘I know that God loves me’, MACA, https://youtu.be/1SNttzK_Nhk
4. ‘God will take care of me’, Emmanuel Christian https://youtu.be/Bflby59z1BI
5. ‘Great Big God’ https://youtu.be/0K3TUFFpmhA
Sensory Play
- Use grain, cereals or popcorn in a tray and have little baskets to gather it all up. Be aware of allergies.
- Roll out brown playdough and stick in ears of corn to look like they are growing ready for harvest. You could play a counting game as you pick them.
Talk about how Ruth cared for Naomi and ask, ‘Who are the people who care for us?’ Say a simple prayer thanking God for all these people.
Thank you, God, for all the people who care for us.
Thank you for ... (Mum, Dad, grandparents, doctors, friends, teachers etc)
Thank you, God, that you care for us too.
Bible Story
Exodus 1 Samuel 17
The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman: ‘David Saves the Day’, p43.
God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook, Carl Laferton: ‘David and Goliath’, p136.
Talk about the story and how God was with David.
How would you feel if you had to fight a giant? David knew God was with him and that God would help him to defeat Goliath. Just as God was with David, so he is with us today and can help us to deal with difficult times in our lives.
Song suggestions
1. Theme Song (Tune: ‘If you’re happy and you know it’)
If you’re a friend of God, clap your hands!
If you’re a friend of God, clap your hands!
God is with me every day – when at school or out to play,
If you’re a friend of God, clap your hands!
If you’re a friend of God, stamp your feet!
God is with me every day – he will hear me when I pray.
If you’re a friend of God, shout Amen!
God is with me every day – he won’t ever go away.
If you’re a friend of God, do all three! (Clap hands, stamp your feet, shout ‘Amen’) God is with me every day – I can trust him come what may.
Backing track available at https://youtu.be/dSXfN9Cj-zI
2. ‘All through History’, Nick and Becky Drake https://youtu.be/hQS2HHayr38
3. ‘I know that God loves me’, MACA, https://youtu.be/1SNttzK_Nhk
4. ‘God will take care of me’, Emmanuel Christian https://youtu.be/Bflby59z1BI
5. ‘You can be brave’, Two by 2 https://youtu.be/_rQKCduq_2M
6. ‘Great Big God’ https://youtu.be/eSTfM8M2Md8
Craft ideas and other activities
- Create a ‘sling and stones’ snack using bread sticks and raisins. Be aware of allergies.
- Make simple shields using cardboard and tin foil. Add the text, ‘The battle is the Lord’s’ (1 Samuel 17:47).
For other ideas see https://www.pinterest.co.uk/FamilyMinistriesUKIT/gods-friends-in-the-old-testament/
Sensory Play
- Create a grassy scene using turf or material. Add sheep and a shepherd for the children to play with.
Fill a tray with stones of varying sizes and ask children to find five small, smooth stones.
David wrote lots of songs to God that we read in the Psalms. Today we are using Psalm 100. You could use musical instruments and make a joyful noise as you pray and praise! Get the children to practise starting and stopping so you can read a line between their playing.
Shout out praises to the Lord, all the earth! Worship the Lord with joy.
Enter his presence with joyful singing. Acknowledge that the Lord is God.
He made us and we belong to him, we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise.
Give him thanks. Praise his name.
For the Lord is good. His loyal love endures, and he is faithful through all generations.
Psalm 100, New English Translation.
Bible Story
Jonah 1 to 3
The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman: ‘A Fishy Situation’, p44.
God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook, Carl Laferton: ‘Jonah and the Big Fish’, p188.
Talk about the story and how God was with Jonah even when Jonah did not do what God asked him to. How did God keep Jonah safe? I wonder what it was like inside the big fish. Just as God was with Jonah, so he is with us today and we can always ask him to help us to do the right thing.
Craft ideas and other activities
- Make a big fish using a paper plate as the body and adding a tail. Add a cut-out of Jonah to a piece of string and stick to the back, so that it can be moved in and out of the fish’s mouth.
- Using a pop-up tent, or large cloth, create a big fish that children can crawl in and out of.
For other ideas see https://www.pinterest.co.uk/FamilyMinistriesUKIT/gods-friends-in-the-old-testament/
Song suggestions
1. Theme Song (Tune: ‘If you’re happy and you know it’)
If you’re a friend of God, clap your hands!
If you’re a friend of God, clap your hands!
God is with me every day – when at school or out to play,
If you’re a friend of God, clap your hands!
If you’re a friend of God, stamp your feet!
God is with me every day – he will hear me when I pray.
If you’re a friend of God, shout Amen!
God is with me every day – he won’t ever go away.
If you’re a friend of God, do all three! (Clap hands, stamp your feet, shout ‘Amen’) God is with me every day – I can trust him come what may.
Backing track available at https://youtu.be/dSXfN9Cj-zI
2. ‘All through History’, Nick and Becky Drake https://youtu.be/hQS2HHayr38
3. ‘I know that God loves me’, MACA, https://youtu.be/1SNttzK_Nhk
4. ‘God will take care of me’, Emmanuel Christian https://youtu.be/Bflby59z1BI
5. ‘Great Big God’ https://youtu.be/eSTfM8M2Md8
Sensory Play
- Play a fishing game in water. Use small nets to catch plastic fish in a tub of water.
Make sea foam and hide plastic fish in it for the children to find.
Practise the actions together, before reading the prayer and getting them to join in with the response in bold – ‘Please help me do the right thing.’
Jonah ran (run on the spot), jumped on a ship (jump), lay down and slept (lie down), swam in the sea (mime swimming), and walked to Nineveh (walk on the spot).
Dear God,
While we run, please help me do the right thing.
While we jump and have fun, please help me do the right thing.
When we lie down, please help me do the right thing.
When we swim and play, please help me do the right thing.
When we walk, please help me do the right thing.
Whatever we are doing, please help me do the right thing.
Bible Story
Daniel 6:1-28
The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman: ‘The Lions Stay Hungry’, p49.
God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook, Carl Laferton: ‘Daniel in the Lions’ Den’, p200.
Talk about the story and how God was with Daniel and kept him safe even in the lions’ den.
How would you feel if you saw a lion? Daniel knew that God was with him, so he was able to keep calm and pray. Just as God was with Daniel, so he is with us today and can help us when we are afraid.
Craft ideas and other activities
- Make an ‘I feel’ mask using paper plates to show feeling loved. www.pinterest.co.uk/FamilyMinistriesUKIT/toddler-crafts-i-feel/
- Make a card or small gift to be given to someone you love. For ideas see www.pinterest.co.uk/FamilyMinistriesUKIT/crafts-with-a-love-theme-valentines-day/
- Bible story activity – using popcorn, cereal or pasta, make a necklace by threading them on to some string/wool.
- For other ideas see our Bible story craft and activity Pinterest board
Song suggestions
1. Theme Song (Tune: ‘If you’re happy and you know it’)
If you’re a friend of God, clap your hands!
If you’re a friend of God, clap your hands!
God is with me every day – when at school or out to play,
If you’re a friend of God, clap your hands!
If you’re a friend of God, stamp your feet!
God is with me every day – he will hear me when I pray.
If you’re a friend of God, shout Amen!
God is with me every day – he won’t ever go away.
If you’re a friend of God, do all three! (Clap hands, stamp your feet, shout ‘Amen’) God is with me every day – I can trust him come what may.
Backing track available at https://youtu.be/dSXfN9Cj-zI
2. All through History’, Nick and Becky Drake https://youtu.be/hQS2HHayr38
3. ‘I know that God loves me’, MACA, https://youtu.be/1SNttzK_Nhk
4. ‘God will take care of me’, Emmanuel Christian https://youtu.be/Bflby59z1BI
5. ‘The Lions Roar’, Vineyard Kids https://youtu.be/Dzk42FtUR_g
6. ‘Great Big God’ https://youtu.be/eSTfM8M2Md8
Sensory Play
- Use porridge oats and rough stones to make the floor of a den and add lions and a figure to represent Daniel.
Make a ‘lion’ snack using a round waffle or pancake. Add satsuma segments to make the mane and other fruit for face features. Be aware of allergies.
Dear God,
Thank you that we can pray to you all the time just like Daniel did.
Help us to remember that if we feel alone or afraid, you are always with us.
Please be with us today and keep us safe.
Bible Story
Esther 1 to 9
God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook, Carl Laferton: ‘Esther the Brave Queen’, p207.
The Lion Easy Read Bible, Christina Goodings: ‘Esther’, p200.
Talk about the story and how brave Queen Esther was. God’s people were kept safe because Esther put herself in danger knowing that God was with her. Just as God was with Queen Esther, so he is with us today and we can praise and thank him for always being with us whatever happens.
Craft ideas and other activities
- Create edible jewellery using fruit laces, cereals and sweets with a hole in the centre.
- Make crowns using gold card and stick-on jewels.
For other ideas see https://www.pinterest.co.uk/FamilyMinistriesUKIT/gods-friends-in-the-old-testament/
Song suggestions
1. Theme Song (Tune: ‘If you’re happy and you know it’)
If you’re a friend of God, clap your hands!
If you’re a friend of God, clap your hands!
God is with me every day – when at school or out to play,
If you’re a friend of God, clap your hands!
If you’re a friend of God, stamp your feet!
God is with me every day – he will hear me when I pray.
If you’re a friend of God, shout Amen!
God is with me every day – he won’t ever go away.
If you’re a friend of God, do all three! (Clap hands, stamp your feet, shout ‘Amen’) God is with me every day – I can trust him come what may.
Backing track available at https://youtu.be/dSXfN9Cj-zI
2. ‘All through History’, Nick and Becky Drake https://youtu.be/hQS2HHayr38
3. ‘I know that God loves me’, MACA, https://youtu.be/1SNttzK_Nhk
4. ‘God will take care of me’, Emmanuel Christian https://youtu.be/Bflby59z1BI
5. ‘Great Big God’ https://youtu.be/eSTfM8M2Md8
6. ‘Esther’s Song’, Veggie Tales https://youtu.be/xxNrhJJlnk4. This song will be great to listen to during the prayer time.
Sensory Play
- Set-up some playdough containing glitter and sparkly bits for the children to play with.
- Have a range of perfumes or essential oils. Let the children smell each scent and decide which is their favourite.
Watch and listen to ‘Esther’s Song’, Veggie Tales https://youtu.be/xxNrhJJlnk4
Dear God,
Thank you for being with me every day.
Help me to be brave like Queen Esther, and to do the right thing.
May I always know that there is nothing I can’t face because you are always with me.