We can talk to God
'We can talk to God' is a four-session outline from 'Jump In!', including a Father's Day session.
All sessions are for use with Preschool children.
'Don’t worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks for what you have.'
- Philippians 4:6 (ERV)
Suggested Resources:
- The Play-Along Bible
- The Lion Easy-Read Bible
- The Jesus Storybook Bible
- Percussion Instruments
- Instrument Songs
Bible Story
Matthew 6
The Jesus Storybook Bible
How to Pray, p222
The Lion Easy-Read Bible
Jesus the teacher, p248
Explain that we can talk to God anywhere and any time and that we call this prayer.
Craft Ideas
- Make a mobile phone or microphone.
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘Row, row, row your boat’)
We can talk to God, talk to him each day,
Anywhere or any time, he loves to hear us pray.
- (Tune: Frère Jacques)
We are praying, we are praying,
Talking to God! Talking to God!
God will always hear us, God will always hear us,
We can pray – every day!
Thank you, God, that whatever we do, wherever we are, we can talk to you.
We can talk to you when we’re happy (smile) or when we’re sad (look sad). We can talk to you when we’re at home (house shape hands) and when we’re out in the car or on the bus (pretend to drive). We can talk to you when we’re excited (jump about) or when we’re bored (fold arms).
Thank you, God, that whatever we do, wherever we are, we can talk to you in prayer.
Father’s Day is the third Sunday in June so ideas for this are also included.
Bible Story
Psalm 100
Philippians 4:6
‘Don’t worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks for what you have.’ (ERV)
The Lion Easy-Read Bible
The Forgiving Father, pp280-283
We are taught to say ‘thank you’ as very small children and we learn how important it is to say thank you when we are given something or when someone does something for us. Talk about how God loves it when we say thank you to him.
Link this to how important it is to say ‘thank you’ to the dads, grandads, uncles – all the men who love us – and how we can do this especially on Father’s Day.
Craft Ideas
- Write ‘Thank you, God’ on a paper plate and then stick on pictures of things cut from magazines to thank God for. Include food, animals, names, toys etc.
- For more craft ideas check our Pinterest.
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘Row, row, row your boat’)
We can talk to God, talk to him each day,
Anywhere or any time, he loves to hear us pray.
We can talk to God, talk to him each day,
Thank him for the good things he gives us every day.
- ‘Prayer is like a telephone’
(Tune: ‘Twinkle, Twinkle’)
Dads and grandads, uncles too
Love to help both me and you,
Playing games and having fun,
Trips to the park for everyone.
Dads and grandads, uncles too,
Thank you, God, for all they do.
If you have made the ‘Thank you, God’ prayer plates, use these in your prayer time by getting the families to share what they want to thank God for today.
Conclude by saying or singing:
Thank you for the world so sweet,
Thank you for the food we eat.
Thank you for the birds that sing,
Thank you, God for everything.
Thank you, God, for dads, grandads and uncles who love us and take care of us. Thank you that they are always great fun to play with and help us do lots of things. Thank you, God, that you are our Heavenly Father and that you love us all very much. Amen.
Bible Story
1 John 1:9
‘If we confess our sins, God will forgive us. We can trust God to do this. He always does what is right. He will make us clean from all the wrong things we have done.’ (ERV)
Luke 23:26-46
The Play-Along Bible
The Cross, p90
Use this opportunity to share the story of Easter again as a reminder that Jesus died on the cross so that when we say sorry to God, we are forgiven because he loves us very much.
Craft Ideas
Make a Sorry Spinner.
Get the children to draw their face in the head shape on one side and to colour in the heart on the other. Fold over and stick to a paper straw. When you twizzle the straw in your hands, the face is seen in the heart. Talk about how God loves us so much that he forgives us when we say sorry.
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘Row, row, row your boat’)
We can talk to God, talk to him each day,
Anywhere or any time, he loves to hear us pray.
We can talk to God, talk to him each day,
Thank him for the good things he gives us every day.
- ‘Prayer is like a telephone’
(Tune: ‘Sing a rainbow’)
Sometimes it’s so hard to be good,
When I feel grumpy or sad.
Then I pray ‘I’m sorry,’
Pray ‘I’m sorry,’
Pray ‘I’m sorry, God.’
Father God,
Touching my head – I remember you are always with me.
Putting my hand over my heart – I say that I love you.
‘Boing’ my head – I say I am sorry for the wrong things I have done.
Lifting my head – Thank you for forgiving me.
Putting my hands together – I know that you hear all my prayers.
Bible Story
Hannah prays to God
The Lion Easy-Read Bible
Samuel, pp122-124
Philippians 4:6
‘Don’t worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks for what you have.’ (ERV)
Like when saying ‘thank you’, talk about how important it is to say ‘please’ when we want something. In the story, Hannah asks God for a son and God hears and answers her prayer. Explain that we can ask God for things we need and for him to help us and people we love.
Craft Ideas
Make a simple prayer book. Decorate the cover with stickers and pictures.
Make copies of the prayers suggested in this series or others you know and stick them on each page so that they can be said at home. Add some blank pages for children to write or draw their own prayers.
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘Row, row, row your boat’)
We can talk to God, talk to him each day,
Anywhere or any time, he loves to hear us pray.
We can talk to God, talk to him each day,
Thank him for the good things he gives us every day.
We can talk to God, talk to him each day,
If we say we’re sorry he’ll forgive us when we pray.
We can talk to God, talk to him each day,
We can ask him for his help, he’s with us every day.
Dear God,
Please be with me today and help me to be kind to others.
Please be with all my family and friends and keep them safe.
Please be with people I know who aren’t very well today.
Please help us all to love each other.
Thank you that we can always talk to you and ask you to help us.

Instrument Songs
Songs that can be used for any Jump IN! session.