Shape Sorter
A four-session series outline for use with pre-school children to help identify four main shapes – circles, rectangles, triangles and squares.
Suggested Resources:
- The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman
- The Lion Easy-read Bible, Christina Goodings and Jamie Smith
- My First SHAPES Board Book, Peter Pauper Press
- My First Shapes (Baby Board Books), Autumn Publishing
- Percussion instruments
- Instrument songs
Bible Story
Luke 15:8-10 The Parable of the Lost Coin.
The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman: ‘Keep Searching’, p79.
Tell the story of the lost coin. Talk about how coins are circle in shape, ask what other things are circular. You could have a story sack or box filled with circular items to be identified.
Song suggestions
1. Theme Song
(Tune: ‘If you’re happy and you know it’)
There are circles all around everywhere!
There are circles all around everywhere!
See the Sun up in the sky,
Yummy biscuits, apple pie,
There are circles all around everywhere!
Note: A new verse will be added every session.
2. ‘Circle Song’
3. ‘God’s Love is like a Circle’
Craft ideas and other activities
- Choose a circle craft using the link below or create your own.
- Hide some large chocolate coins (beware of allergies) and play Hide and seek. Make sure they are shared around, so that there is enough for everyone.
Thank you, God, for things that are circle shaped.
Ask the group to think of circular things or use the objects from the story sack or box earlier in the session and include them in your prayer.
For biscuits, cakes, and pies.
For coins and plates.
For wheels on bikes and scooters.
For the lovely warm sun and the full moon at night.
There are so many wonderful things in our world that are circle in shape. Amen.
Bible Story
Luke 15:1-7 The Parable of the Lost Sheep.
The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman: ‘Runaway Sheep’, p76.
Tell the story of the runaway sheep. Talk about how the shepherd left the other sheep safe in a sheep pen. Sheep pens can be square and made of fences with four equal sides. Ask what other things they know are square. You could have a story sack or box filled with square items to be identified.
Song suggestions
1. Theme Song
(Tune: If you’re happy and you know it)
There are circles all around everywhere!
There are circles all around everywhere!
See the Sun up in the sky,
Yummy biscuits, apple pie,
There are circles all around everywhere!
There are squares all around everywhere!
There are squares all around everywhere!
1-2-3-4 sides the same,
Story books and window frame,
There are squares all around everywhere!
2. ‘It’s Hip to Be a Square’
3. ‘Baa, Baa, Black Sheep’
Craft ideas and other activities
- Choose a square craft using the link below or create your own.
- Hide a soft toy sheep. As the children are looking for it, say ‘Baa’, increasing in volume the nearer they are to the sheep.
Thank you, God, for things that are square shaped.
Ask the group to think of square things or use the objects from the story sack or box earlier in the session and include them in your prayer.
For books, bags, and boxes.
For building bricks, tiles, and windows.
For crackers and squares of chocolate!
There are so many wonderful things in our world that are square in shape. Amen.
Bible Story
Matthew 7:24-27 The Wise and Foolish Builders.
The Lion Easy-read Bible, pp252-253.
Tell the story of the wise and foolish builders. Talk about how houses were built differently then and that they didn’t have pitched (triangular) roofs like houses do now. What is good about having a triangular roof? Ask what other things they know that are triangular. You could have a story sack or box filled with triangular items to be identified.
Song suggestions
1. Theme Song
(Tune: ‘If you’re happy and you know it’)
There are circles all around everywhere!
There are circles all around everywhere!
See the Sun up in the sky,
Yummy biscuits, apple pie,
There are circles all around everywhere!
There are squares all around everywhere!
There are squares all around everywhere!
1-2-3-4 sides the same,
Story books and window frame,
There are squares all around everywhere!
There are triangles all around everywhere!
There are triangles all around everywhere!
Rooftops high and spready-cheese,
Angelfish in tropical seas,
There are triangles all around everywhere!
2. ‘The Triangle Dance’
3. ‘The Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock’
Craft ideas and other activities
- Choose a triangle craft using the link below or create your own.
- You may wish to create house pictures using all the shapes in the series.
Thank you, God, for things that are triangle shaped.
Ask the group to think of triangular things or use the objects from the story sack or box earlier in the session and include them in your prayer.
For cheese spread triangles, slices of pizza and triangle sandwiches.
For roof tops and musical instruments.
For triangle angelfish swimming in the sea and high mountains.
There are so many wonderful things in our world that are triangle in shape. Amen.
Bible Story
Mark 2:1-12 Jesus Forgives and Heals a Paralysed Man.
The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman: ‘Through the roof’, p64.
Tell the story of how the friends brought their sick friend to Jesus by lowering him through a hole in the roof on a mat and that mats are usually rectangle in shape. Remind them about how houses were built differently in Bible times with a flat roof and that the roof was probably a rectangle shape too. Ask what other things they know are rectangular in shape. You could have a story sack or box filled with rectangular items to be identified.
Song suggestions
1. Theme Song
(Tune: ‘If you’re happy and you know it’)
There are circles all around everywhere!
There are circles all around everywhere!
See the Sun up in the sky,
Yummy biscuits, apple pie,
There are circles all around everywhere!
There are squares all around everywhere!
There are squares all around everywhere!
1-2-3-4 sides the same,
Story books and window frame,
There are squares all around everywhere!
There are triangles all around everywhere!
There are triangles all around everywhere!
Rooftops high and spready-cheese,
Angelfish in tropical seas,
There are triangles all around everywhere!
There are rectangles all around everywhere!
There are rectangles all around everywhere!
Houses, TV screens and flags,
Mobile phones and shopping bags,
There are rectangles all around everywhere!
2. ‘Rectangle Song’
3. ‘Nothing’s Too Big’
Craft ideas and other activities
- Choose a rectangle craft using the link below or create your own.
Thank you, God, for things that are rectangle shaped.
Ask the group to think of rectangular things or use the objects from the story sack or box earlier in the session and include them in your prayer.
For doors, houses, and buildings.
For televisions, phones and computers.
For fields to grow vegetables and slices of bread.
There are so many wonderful things in our world that are rectangle in shape. Amen.