It's Christmas!
'It's Christmas!' is a five-session outline from 'Jump In!', including Christmas, Epiphany and New Year.
All sessions are for use with Preschool children.
‘Be sure of this – that I am with you always.’
- Matthew 28:20 (TLB)
Suggested Resources:
- The Play-Along Bible
- Percussion Instruments
- Christmas Instrument Songs
Bible Story
Matthew 1:18-24; Luke 1:26-38
The Play-Along Bible
‘A Special Message’, p50
Ask people to share if they have any good news. Talk about how the news the angel shared with Mary and Joseph about the special baby to be born was very good because it shows how much God loves us all.
Craft Ideas
- Make a simple angel craft; or you could begin to build up a ‘Nativity’ scene by getting the children to make the different characters in the story each week. Alternatively, they could make a set of simple puppets by sticking tissue paper on templates cut from card.
- For more craft ideas check our Pinterest.
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘We wish you a merry Christmas’)
An angel came to Mary, an angel came to Mary,
An angel came to Mary to bring her good news!
‘Good tidings I bring of a new baby King.’
An angel came to Mary to bring her good news!
Get everyone to join in the response ‘Good News!’
The angel came to Mary – Good News!
Mary is having a baby – Good News!
Jesus is his name – Good News!
He is God’s only Son – Good News!
Thank you, God for Christmas, – Good News!
(The Big Red Book, Tiddlywinks, Scripture Union)
Bible Story
Luke 2:1-7
The Play-Along Bible
‘Away in a Manger’, p52
Talk about where babies are usually born and how different this was for Baby Jesus.
Craft Ideas
- If you are making a Nativity scene or puppets you can continue this.
- For more craft ideas check our Pinterest.
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘We wish you a merry Christmas’)
So Mary had a baby, so Mary had a baby,
So Mary had a baby at Bethlehem.
He was laid in the hay on the first Christmas Day,
So Mary had a baby at Bethlehem.
- ‘Away in a Manger’
Get everyone to join in saying ‘Shhh!’ with their fingers on their lips.
The baby is sleeping (Shhh!)
His mother is resting (Shhh!)
His father is watching (Shhh!)
Welcome, Baby Jesus!
(The Big Red Book, Tiddlywinks, Scripture Union)
Bible Story
Luke 2:8-20
The Play-Along Bible
‘The Saviour has been born’, p55
Talk about who comes to visit when a new baby is born.
How do you think the shepherds felt when they saw the angels?
Craft Ideas
- If you are making a Nativity scene or puppets you can continue this.
- For more craft ideas check our Pinterest.
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘We wish you a merry Christmas’)
The angels told the shepherds, the angels told the shepherds,
The angels told the shepherds that the baby was born.
‘Good tidings we bring of a new baby King.’
The angels told the shepherds that the baby was born.
The shepherds went to see him, the shepherds went to see him,
The shepherds went to see him when they heard the Good News.
He was laid in the hay on the first Christmas Day,
The shepherds went to see him when they heard the Good News.
A prayer to join in
Here are the sheep, asleep on the hill, (Fingers curled in)
Here are the shepherds, watching them still. (Wiggle two fingers)
Bright angels came shining to send the good news. (Wiggle all fingers)
‘A baby is born for me and for you.’ (Rock a baby)
Dear Father God, at Christmas, with presents and fun, (Clap hands)
We thank you for your gift of your own precious Son. (Rock a baby)
(The Big Red Book, Tiddlywinks, Scripture Union)
Bible Story
Matthew 2:1-12
The Play-Along Bible
‘New Star, New King’, p56
Epiphany is on 6 January and is the Church festival to celebrate when the Magi visit Jesus. However, you may prefer to incorporate some of this with Week Three and do the Happy New Year session in the first week of January.
Talk about the gifts people usually give to a new baby.
Craft Ideas
- Make a crown and add stick-on jewels.
- For more craft ideas check our Pinterest.
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘We wish you a merry Christmas’)
The Wise Men visit Jesus, the Wise Men visit Jesus,
The Wise Men visit Jesus when they follow the star.
Some presents they bring for the new baby King,
The Wise Men visit Jesus when they follow the star.
Encourage everyone to join in saying ‘Thank You.’
The wise men travelled very far when they followed your bright shining star. They said, ‘Thank you.’
They brought lovely gifts to Jesus – gold, frankincense and myrrh. Mary said, ‘Thank you.’
You sent Jesus to be our special friend. He is the greatest gift of all. We say, ‘Thank you.’
Bible Story
‘Be sure of this – that I am with you always.’ (Matthew 28:20, TLB)
Talk about what happened over Christmas and how we are now in a New Year. Ask: What year is it? How many days are there in a year? Talk about some of the things we know will happen this year, eg birthdays, holidays, and also about how there will be some surprises. Explain that God has promised to be with us every day of the year.
Craft Ideas
- Make a clock using a paper plate and write on it ‘God is with us in 20xx’
- For more craft ideas check our Pinterest.
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘Frére Jacques’)
It’s a New Year, it’s a New Year
Celebrate! Celebrate!
We are looking forward, we are looking forward,
What a date, it’s so great!
It’s a New Year, it’s a New Year
Celebrate! Celebrate!
Holidays and birthdays, holidays and birthdays,
We'll have fun! We’ll have fun!
It’s a New Year, it’s a New Year
Celebrate! Celebrate!
God is always with us, God is always with us
Every day, every day.
Dear God,
Thank you for this New Year – 20xx.
We thank you for your promise to always be with us. We ask that you bless us and keep us all safe as we look forward to enjoying everything that this year will hold.
- (Tune: ‘Do you know the muffin man’)
Can you hear the Christmas bells,
The Christmas bells, the Christmas bells?
Can you hear the Christmas bells?
They’re praising God today!
Can you hear the Christmas drums,
The Christmas drums, the Christmas drums?
Can you hear the Christmas drums?
They’re praising God today!
Can you hear our Christmas song,
Our Christmas song, our Christmas song?
Can you hear our Christmas song?
We’re praising God today!
Let’s praise God for Christmas-time,
For Christmas-time, for Christmas-time!
Let’s praise God for Christmas-time,
When Jesus came to earth.
- (Tune ‘Jingle Bells’)
Christmas time, Christmas time, Christmas time is near,
Bang the drums and shake the bells and clap and give a cheer!
Christmas time, Christmas time, Christmas time is near,
We’re so glad that Jesus came for everybody here!
- (Tune: ‘Bobby Shaftoe’)
Christmas now is very near,
Let’s all shout and give a cheer!
It’s a time we love so dear,
Praising God for Christmas!
Trumpets toot and bells all ring,
Drums go bang and voices sing.
Make a noise with everything,
Praising God for Christmas!
- (Tune: ‘Row, row, row your boat’)
Bang, bang, bang the drums,
Bang them loud and clear.
Tell the people everywhere
That Christmas time is near.
Ring, ring, ring the bells,
Ring them loud and clear.
Tell the people everywhere
That Christmas time is near.
Play, play, play the tune,
Play it loud and clear.
Tell the people everywhere
That Christmas time is near.
- (Tune: ‘London Bridge is falling down’)
Ring the bells, it's Christmas time,
Christmas time, Christmas time.
Ring the bells, it's Christmas time,
Merry Christmas!
Play the drums, it's Christmas time ….
Make a noise, it's Christmas time ….
A Christmas Blessing
Thank you for the baby who came on Christmas Day.
Thank you it was Jesus, who came to earth to stay.
Thank you that you love us and always will be near,
Thank you, God, for Christmas, this happy time of year.