How Do You Feel Today?
An eight-week series outline exploring our feelings using stories from the Old Testament
Note: Session 4 ‘I Feel Hungry’ session can be used to celebrate Harvest.
Suggested Resources:
- The Play-Along Bible
- Percussion instruments
- Instrument songs
Bible Story
Genesis 15:1-6; 18:10-15; 21: 1-7
The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman:
‘A Promise Kept’, p21.
Talk about things that make you feel happy. Ask the children what makes them feel happy.
In the story, Abraham and Sarah are very happy because God keeps his promise and gives them a child. They named their baby Isaac which means ‘laughter’. Sometimes we laugh when we are happy.
Song suggestions
1. Theme Song (Tune: ‘The wheels on the bus’)
I smile and sing when I feel happy, I feel happy, I feel happy, I smile and sing when I feel happy, smile with me!
I laugh and clap when I feel happy, I feel happy, I feel happy, I laugh and clap when I feel happy, clap with me!
Please note that new verses to the theme song will be added each week and that you can use them accordingly.
- ‘If you’re happy and you know it’
- ‘How do you feel today?’
- ‘I’m gonna jump up and down (Be Happy)’
Craft ideas and other activities
- You could make an ‘I feel’ mask using paper plates for each week in this series. Examples of this can be found at
- You could also make smiley faces with pieces of fruit and vegetables on paper plates that can then be eaten at snack time. Be aware of food allergies.
Other crafts for each emotion explored are also found here:
- Bible story activity - Isaac is born.
- For other Bible story craft ideas see
Thank you, God, for all the things that make me feel happy.
For time with my family and friends,
for my toys and for trips to the park.
Get everyone to join in by thanking God for the things that make them happy.
Help me to know that you are with me when I feel happy.
Bible Story
Genesis 37
The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman: ‘Joseph’s Jealous Brothers’, p25
Talk about feeling sad. What happens when we feel sad?
Was there anything in the story that made you feel sad? Jacob – Joseph’s Dad – was very sad when he heard what had happened to his son.
What can we do when we feel sad?
Craft ideas and other activities
- Make an ‘I feel’ mask to illustrate feeling sad
- Bible story craft - Joseph’s coat collage
- For other ideas see our Bible story craft and activity Pinterest board
Song suggestions
- Theme Song (Tune: ‘The wheels on the bus’)
I smile and sing when I feel happy, I feel happy, I feel happy, I smile and sing when I feel happy, smile with me!
I frown and cry when I feel sad, I feel sad, I feel sad, I frown and cry when I feel sad, cry with me!
I laugh and clap when I feel happy, I feel happy, I feel happy, I laugh and clap when I feel happy, clap with me!
- ‘How do you feel today?’
- ‘Shine, from the inside out’
Dear God,
Thank you that you understand when we feel sad. Help us to remember that we can pray to you and tell you all about how we feel. Help us to help our friends when they feel sad too.
Please help us to know that it is OK to sometimes feel sad, but that it is great when we feel happy again.
Bible Story
Genesis 41:1-57; 42:1-5; 45:3-11
The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman: ‘Pharoah’s Dream’, p28
Talk about feeling angry and cross – what happens when we feel like this?
Joseph’s brothers thought he would be angry with them because they had sold him as a slave, but he wasn’t! Instead, he forgave them and was very happy to see them.
What can we do to help us calm down when we feel angry?
Parenting For Faith has created a ‘Calm Babies and Toddler’s Parents Playlist’ that can be found at:
Craft ideas and other activities
- Make an ‘I feel’ mask to illustrate feeling angry and cross. You could make it two-sided, so it shows that we don’t have to stay angry but rather need to find ways to help us feel calm and happy again.
- Make a traffic light craft to help children think about regulating their feelings; or make a sensory bottle to help them feel calm. Ideas can be found at
- Bible story craft – Pharoah’s Headdress
- For other ideas see our Bible story craft and activity Pinterest board
Song suggestions
- Theme Song (Tune: ‘The wheels on the bus’)
I smile and sing when I feel happy, I feel happy, I feel happy, I smile and sing when I feel happy, smile with me!
I stamp and scowl when I feel cross, I feel cross, I feel cross, I stamp and scowl when I feel cross, stamp with me!
I laugh and clap when I feel happy, I feel happy, I feel happy, I laugh and clap when I feel happy, clap with me!
- ‘How do you feel today?’
- Get the children to lie down or sit with an adult and play some calming music, eg BabySong tracks ‘Rest in Your Care’, ‘Benediction’ or ‘Wonderful Lord’ by Doug Horley.
Thank you, God, that you understand when we feel angry and cross.
Help us to try and talk to our family about what makes us feel angry and to find ways to help us keep calm.
Thank you, God, that we can always talk to you about how we feel.
This session can be used to celebrate Harvest
Bible Story
Exodus 16
Story – ‘God’s People are Hungry’
The people of God were living in the desert and there was no food. (Shake head and look sad)
‘We are hungry,’ the people grumbled to Moses.
(Rub your tummy)
‘We need food!’ they shouted.
(Shout – ‘We need food!’ – wag your finger)
Moses asked God for food
(put your hands together to pray)
and God told him that he would give the people the food they needed.
Every morning God sent bread, called manna, for the people to gather.
(Pretend to eat and say, ‘Yum, Yum!’)
Every evening God sent meat, called quail.
(Pretend to eat and say, ‘Yum, Yum, Yum!’)
God provided enough food for everyone.
(Shout, ‘Hooray!’)
The Lion Easy-read Bible, Christina Goodings and Jamie Smith: ‘In the Wilderness’, p80-81
The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Eric Carle
Talk about when we feel hungry. What is your favourite food?
At Harvest time we thank God for the food he provides for us and think about what we can do to make sure everyone has enough food to eat.
(Families can be asked to bring non-perishable food items to donate to The Salvation Army or a local food bank).
Craft ideas and other activities
- Make an ‘I feel’ mask using paper plates to show feeling hungry.
- Make a healthy snack and thank God for the food he provides for us. Examples of this can be found at
- Bible story activity – the Bible says that manna tasted like wafers and honey. You could do a taste test to let the families try this by offering matzos with honey.
- For other ideas see our Bible story craft and activity Pinterest board
Song suggestions
- Theme Song (Tune: ‘The wheels on the bus’)
I smile and sing when I feel happy, I feel happy, I feel happy, I smile and sing when I feel happy, smile with me!
I eat nice food when I feel hungry, I feel hungry, I feel hungry, I eat nice food when I feel hungry, eat with me!
I laugh and clap when I feel happy, I feel happy, I feel happy, I laugh and clap when I feel happy, clap with me!
- ‘How do you feel today?’
- ‘Harvest Samba’
Responsive Prayer
Get everyone to join in the response ‘Thank you, God.’
For seeds planted in a field that grow to give us food,
We say, ‘Thank you, God.’
For farmers who work hard all year and harvest the crops,
We say, ‘Thank you, God.’
For people who work in shops and factories so we can buy food,
We say, ‘Thank you, God.’
For everyone who makes and cooks our meals,
We say, ‘Thank you, God.’
For all that you provide for us, every day,
We say, ‘Thank you, God.’
Bible Story
Exodus 18
Story – ‘Moses is tired’
Moses was very busy – he worked very hard leading God’s people. (Wipe hand across your forehead and say, ‘I’m busy – always busy!’
His father-in-law came to visit, and he saw that Moses was very tired. (Sleep hands and snore)
‘This is too much work for you, Moses,’ his father-in-law said. (Wag finger)
‘You must choose some other people to help you,’ he said. (Point at other people)
So, Moses listened to his father-in-law (cup hand over ear) and did what he said.
Moses chose some people to help him lead the people. (Point at other people)
And then his father-in-law went home. (Wave goodbye)
Talk about how we all need sleep to keep our bodies healthy, and how when we have been very busy, we feel tired and need to take a rest.
Talk about how sometimes when we are tired it makes us also feel sad or grumpy, and how it is good to ask others to help us when we feel tired.
Reminder: Parenting For Faith has created a ‘Calm Babies and Toddler’s Parents Playlist’ that can be found at
Craft ideas and other activities
- Make an ‘I feel’ mask using paper plates to show feeling tired
- Using the traditional bedtime prayer in the prayer section, make a teddy bear craft that incorporates the prayer and can be used at home.
- Bible story activity – play a simple game of sleeping lions but call it ‘Sleeping Moses’.
- For other ideas see our Bible story craft and activity Pinterest board
Song suggestions
- Theme Song (Tune: ‘The wheels on the bus’)
I smile and sing when I feel happy, I feel happy, I feel happy, I smile and sing when I feel happy, smile with me!
I go to sleep when I feel tired, I feel tired, I feel tired, I go to sleep when I feel tired, snore with me!
I laugh and clap when I feel happy, I feel happy, I feel happy, I laugh and clap when I feel happy, clap with me!
- ‘How do you feel today?’
- Lullabies are also a traditional way of helping children to sleep when tired. You could repeat the calming down idea used in Session 3 (I Feel Angry and Cross).
- ‘Sleeping Bunnies’
- ‘Dingle Dangle Scarecrow’
A traditional bedtime prayer
Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray, dear Lord, my soul to keep.
Your love be with me through the night
And keep me safe ’til morning light.
Bible Story
Ruth 1-4
The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman: ‘A New Start’, p38
Talk about how we know we are loved – what do people do to show us?
Ask how it feels to be loved – look out for words like safe, secure and happy.
In the story we see how much Ruth and Naomi loved each other even when life was hard, and also how Boaz and Ruth fell in love and got married.
Craft ideas and other activities
- Make an ‘I feel’ mask using paper plates to show feeling loved.
- Make a card or small gift to be given to someone you love. For ideas see
- Bible story activity – using popcorn, cereal or pasta, make a necklace by threading them on to some string/wool.
- For other ideas see our Bible story craft and activity Pinterest board
Song suggestions
- Theme Song (Tune: ‘The wheels on the bus’)
I smile and sing when I feel happy, I feel happy, I feel happy, I smile and sing when I feel happy, smile with me!
I blow a kiss when I feel loved, I feel loved, I feel loved, I blow a kiss when I feel loved, kiss with me!
I laugh and clap when I feel happy, I feel happy, I feel happy, I laugh and clap when I feel happy, clap with me!
- ‘How do you feel today?’ - ‘God loves me’ - ‘I love that God loves me’, Dance Fit Tots
Thank you, God, for all the people who love me.
Thank you for my family and friends.
Thank you, too, that you love us all very much.
Help us to love each other and to always be kind and caring.
Bible Story
1 Samuel 17:1-54
The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman: ‘David saves the day’, p43.
Talk about some of the things that might make us feel afraid – the dark, insects, getting lost etc.
Point out how, in the story, all the people are afraid of the giant Goliath except David. Even though David was very young, he knew God was with him, so he was able to be brave.
Talk about how God is always with us, and we can feel safe knowing this truth.
Craft ideas and other activities
- Make an ‘I feel’ mask using paper plates to show feeling afraid.
- Make a pet monster craft or monster mask, but add to it a sticker that says ‘God is always with me’. - Bible story craft – make a simple slingshot or sword.
- For other ideas see our Bible story craft and activity Pinterest board
Song suggestions
1. Theme Song (Tune: ‘The wheels on the bus’)
I smile and sing when I feel happy, I feel happy, I feel happy, I smile and sing when I feel happy, smile with me!
I hide my face when I feel scared, I feel scared, I feel scared, I hide my face when I feel scared, hide with me!
I laugh and clap when I feel happy, I feel happy, I feel happy, I laugh and clap when I feel happy, clap with me!
- ‘How do you feel today?’
- ‘Our God is a great, big God’
Dear God,
Sometimes I feel afraid.
Help me to remember that you love me and are always looking after me.
Please help me to be brave like David, and to know that you are always with me.
Thank you that I can always talk to you, especially when I’m feeling afraid.
Bible Story
Isaiah 9: 1-7
Story – ‘Good News’
God’s people had a lot of troubles – sometimes they felt sad
(show sad faces),
sometimes they felt angry(show angry faces)
and sometimes they felt afraid
(show afraid faces).
But, however they felt, God was always with them!
(Show happy faces and say, ‘God is with us!’)
One day a prophet called Isaiah brought them some good news!
(Shout ‘Hooray – good news!’)
He told them that God was going to send a new king, a Messiah, and that he would be called,
‘Wonderful counsellor, Mighty God, King who lives for ever, Prince of Peace.’
The people felt excited to hear this good news!
(Shout ‘Hooray – good news!’)
The Lion Easy-read Bible, Christina Goodings and Jamie Smith: ‘The Promise of a King’, p168.
Talk about the things that make us feel excited. This feeling is often linked with something we are looking forward to, such as a birthday, a holiday, a visit from family or friends.
Remind them how God’s promise to send a new King – a Messiah – made the people feel excited.
Ask if anyone knows who this new King might be? It’s not King Charles! Isaiah was talking about Jesus – because Jesus is the King of all kings.
Craft ideas and other activities
- Make an ‘I feel’ mask using paper plates to show feeling excited.
- Bible study craft – make a crown as a reminder that Jesus is the King of kings.
- For other ideas see our Bible story craft and activity Pinterest board
Song suggestions
- Theme Song (Tune: ‘The wheels on the bus’)
I smile and sing when I feel happy, I feel happy, I feel happy, I smile and sing when I feel happy, smile with me!
I jump up and down when I’m excited, I’m excited, I’m excited. I jump up and down when I’m excited, jump with me!
I laugh and clap when I feel happy, I feel happy, I feel happy, I laugh and clap when I feel happy, clap with me!
- ‘How do you feel today?’
- ‘Who’s the King of the jungle?’
Dear God,
Sometimes we feel so excited when we are getting ready for special days and celebrations.
It is so much fun when we feel excited that we like to jump and shout.
Help us to know that you are always with us, no matter what we are feeling.