Whether the Weather
A five-session series outline for use with Preschool children to explore what the weather is like.
Suggested Resources:
God's Big Promises Bible Storybook , written by Carl Laferton and illustrated by Jennifer Davison
The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman
Percussion instruments
Bible Story
Psalm 147:1,8,16-18, ICB
Talk about the weather – what’s the weather like today?
Talk about when the weather is cold – how do we keep warm? What clothes do we wear?
Talk about how when God created the world, he created the different types of weather for the Earth to flourish – for trees and plants to grow, for animals and humans to have food and water, for the whole world to thrive just as God planned. This means that whatever the weather, we can be thankful to God.
Song suggestions
1. Theme Song
I like the sunshine, I like the rain,
I like the wind and snow.
Any kind of weather, it’s all right by me,
Yo, ho, ho, ho, ho.
For God made the sunshine, God made the rain,
God made the wind and snow.
Any kind of weather, it’s all right by me,
Yo, ho, ho, ho, ho.
(No 70 in Big Blue Planet, Stainer and Bell)
2. ‘What’s the Weather Like?’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8xwhoLBwB4
3. ‘Here we go round the mulberry bush, on a cold and frosty morning.’
Action Rhyme
Whether the weather be fine, (Hands open)
Or whether the weather be not. (Wag finger and shake head)
Whether the weather be cold, (Cross arms, rub shoulders)
Or whether the weather be hot. (Wipe back of hand across brow)
We’ll weather the weather, (Open left hand, open right hand)
Whatever the weather, (Palms up and shrug shoulders)
Whether we like it or not! (Nod head, shake head and wag finger)
Craft ideas and other activities
- Use an outline of woolly hats and mittens and decorate them with stickers or paint them using frozen paint in ice cubes.
- Make drinks of hot chocolate and add cream and marshmallows. Alternatively, taste porridge with honey, syrup or jam. Be aware of allergies.
- For other weather-related crafts see https://www.pinterest.co.uk/FamilyMinistriesUKIT/weather-themed-crafts/
Sensory Play
- Before the session, fill small containers, such as plastic bottles or ice cube trays, with coloured water and freeze. Let children feel how cold it is by putting their hands near but only allow them to touch the ice if they are wearing gloves.
- Use frosted flakes to create a play scene using people figures and vehicles.
When it’s cold we shiver from our heads down to our toes. (Brrrrr)
Our fingers feel all icy and we get a runny nose! (Atishoo)
But even on the coldest day we still can have some fun.
If we put our hats and coats on – and run, and run, and run! (Run on the spot)
Thank you, God, for days when it’s cold!
Bible Story
Psalm 147:1,8,16-18, ICB
Genesis 6: 8-9,22
The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman, ‘Safe from the storm’, p18.
God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook, Carl Laferton, ‘Noah builds an ark’, p33.
Talk about the weather – what’s the weather like today?
Talk about when it rains – how do we keep dry? What clothes do we wear? Why is rain important?
Tell the story of Noah’s Ark and how it rained for a very long time, and that even though the world was flooded, God kept Noah, his family and all the animals safe. Talk about how the rainbow is God’s promise that he will never destroy the whole Earth by flooding again.
Song suggestions
1. Theme Song
I like the sunshine, I like the rain,
I like the wind and snow.
Any kind of weather, it’s all right by me,
Yo, ho, ho, ho, ho.
For God made the sunshine, God made the rain,
God made the wind and snow.
Any kind of weather, it’s all right by me,
Yo, ho, ho, ho, ho.
(No 70 in Big Blue Planet, Stainer and Bell)
2. ‘What’s the Weather Like?’ https://youtu.be/z8xwhoLBwB4
3. ‘Rain, rain, go away’ https://youtu.be/LFrKYjrIDs8
4. ‘Mister Noah Built An Ark’ https://youtu.be/Ht-5bMHrJog?list=RDHt-5bMHrJog
5. ‘God’s Rainbow’ https://youtu.be/07x5hgeWgJc?si=nyo6F1SRZ_u8ka3_
Action Rhyme
Whether the weather be fine, (Hands open)
Or whether the weather be not. (Wag finger and shake head)
Whether the weather be cold, (Cross arms, rub shoulders)
Or whether the weather be hot. (Wipe back of hand across brow)
We’ll weather the weather, (Open left hand, open right hand)
Whatever the weather, (Palms up and shrug shoulders)
Whether we like it or not! (Nod head, shake head and wag finger)
Craft ideas and other activities
- Make simple rain makers using cardboard tubes and rice.
- For other weather-related crafts see https://www.pinterest.co.uk/FamilyMinistriesUKIT/weather-themed-crafts/
Sensory Play
- Water play with watering cans and plenty of containers for pouring.
- Have some uncooked rice in a plastic tray that can be scooped up and made to sound like rain when it is poured.
Thank you, God, for when it rains and gives us lots of water.
For there are many, many things that we can do with water -
Wash our clothes, clean the house, drink a glass of water,
Have a bath, play and swim, wash my face with water,
Grow some plants, make some food, splash around in water.
Thank you, God, for when it rains and gives us lots of water!
Bible Story
Psalm 148:7-8 ERV
The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman, ‘A Walk on the Water’, p74.
God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook, Carl Laferton, ‘Jesus and the Storm’, p268.
Talk about the weather – what’s the weather like today?
Talk about when it windy – how do we know when it is windy?
Tell the story of either Peter walking on the water or Jesus calming the storm. In both these stories we see Jesus keep his friends safe from the windy, stormy weather.
Song suggestions
1. Theme Song
I like the sunshine, I like the rain,
I like the wind and snow.
Any kind of weather, it’s all right by me,
Yo, ho, ho, ho, ho.
For God made the sunshine, God made the rain,
God made the wind and snow.
Any kind of weather, it’s all right by me,
Yo, ho, ho, ho, ho.
(No 70 in Big Blue Planet, Stainer and Bell)
2. ‘What’s the Weather Like?’ https://youtu.be/z8xwhoLBwB4
3. ‘Row, row, row your boat’
Action Rhyme
Whether the weather be fine, (Hands open)
Or whether the weather be not. (Wag finger and shake head)
Whether the weather be cold, (Cross arms, rub shoulders)
Or whether the weather be hot. (Wipe back of hand across brow)
We’ll weather the weather, (Open left hand, open right hand)
Whatever the weather, (Palms up and shrug shoulders)
Whether we like it or not! (Nod head, shake head and wag finger)
Craft ideas and other activities
- Paint pictures by blowing paint across the page using straws.
- For other weather-related crafts see https://www.pinterest.co.uk/FamilyMinistriesUKIT/weather-themed-crafts/
Sensory Play
- Play parachute games. Feel the wind that is created when you move the parachute.
- Blow bubbles. If it’s windy outside – go out and watch the bubbles blow around.
Use this traditional rhyme as a prayer with actions.
I see the wind when the leaves dance by, (Dance hands around)
I see the wind when the clothes wave ‘Hi!’ (Wave hand)
I see the wind when the trees bend low, (Bend arms down)
I see the wind when the flags all blow. (Wave arms high)
I see the wind when the kites fly high, (Raise arms high)
I see the wind when the clouds float by. (Wave hand gently)
I see the wind when it blows my hair, (Lift hair with hands)
I see the wind ’most everywhere! (Hold hands out, palms up)
Thank you, God, for windy days. (Hands together)
Bible Story
Psalm 147:1,8,16-18, ICB
Psalm 148:7-8 ERV
Talk about the weather – what’s the weather like today?
Talk about when it snows. Do you like to play in the snow? - to build a snowman or go sledging?
Talk about how God creates every snowflake to be different and how we are all different too. We can praise God because we are all special and he loves us all very much.
Song suggestions
1. Theme Song
I like the sunshine, I like the rain,
I like the wind and snow.
Any kind of weather, it’s all right by me,
Yo, ho, ho, ho, ho.
For God made the sunshine, God made the rain,
God made the wind and snow.
Any kind of weather, it’s all right by me,
Yo, ho, ho, ho, ho.
(No 70 in Big Blue Planet, Stainer and Bell)
2. ‘What’s the Weather Like?’ https://youtu.be/z8xwhoLBwB4
3. 'Snowflakes, Snowflakes' https://youtu.be/TDJIhayM9dw
4. ‘I Love That God Loves Me’ https://youtu.be/1SNttzK_Nhk?si=JAlH-zQwMU35U-di
Action Rhyme
Whether the weather be fine, (Hands open)
Or whether the weather be not. (Wag finger and shake head)
Whether the weather be cold, (Cross arms, rub shoulders)
Or whether the weather be hot. (Wipe back of hand across brow)
We’ll weather the weather, (Open left hand, open right hand)
Whatever the weather, (Palms up and shrug shoulders)
Whether we like it or not! (Nod head, shake head and wag finger)
Craft ideas and other activities
- Make snowflake pictures using paint or cotton wool.
- For other weather-related crafts see https://www.pinterest.co.uk/FamilyMinistriesUKIT/weather-themed-crafts/
Sensory Play
- Make a mixture of cornflour and water and see if the children can make a snowman.
- Use mini white marshmallows in a tray to create a snowy scene – but expect them all to be eaten!
When it snows, we love to play,
Build a snowman – ride a sleigh!
Making footprints as we run,
Throwing snowballs is such fun!
So, we want to shout and pray,
Thank you, God, for a snowy day!
Bible Story
Psalm 19:4-6 GNT
Genesis 1:1-5,14-19
The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman, ‘Sky High’, p6 and ‘Sun, Moon and Stars – Oh My!’, p9.
Talk about the weather – what’s the weather like today?
Talk about when it’s sunny. How does it feel? What do you like to do when it’s sunny?
Talk about how we must be careful when it’s very sunny. Tell the group about how God created the sun to bring both light and warmth to the Earth.
Song suggestions
1. Theme Song
I like the sunshine, I like the rain,
I like the wind and snow.
Any kind of weather, it’s all right by me,
Yo, ho, ho, ho, ho.
For God made the sunshine, God made the rain,
God made the wind and snow.
Any kind of weather, it’s all right by me,
Yo, ho, ho, ho, ho.
(No 70 in Big Blue Planet, Stainer and Bell)
2. ‘What’s the Weather Like?’ https://youtu.be/z8xwhoLBwB4
3. ‘The Sun Has Got His Hat On’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTZcADVbTuc
4.‘I Love the Sun, It Shines On Me’
Action Rhyme
Whether the weather be fine, (Hands open)
Or whether the weather be not. (Wag finger and shake head)
Whether the weather be cold, (Cross arms, rub shoulders)
Or whether the weather be hot. (Wipe back of hand across brow)
We’ll weather the weather, (Open left hand, open right hand)
Whatever the weather, (Palms up and shrug shoulders)
Whether we like it or not! (Nod head, shake head and wag finger)
Craft ideas and other activities
- Make sunshine biscuits using yellow icing and sweets or sprinkles to decorate. Be aware of food allergies.
- For other weather-related crafts see https://www.pinterest.co.uk/FamilyMinistriesUKIT/weather-themed-crafts/
Sensory Play
Have a sand tray with buckets and spades. Build sandcastles and make shapes in the sand.
Dear God,
Thank you for the sun that brings light and warmth to the world.
Thank you for sunny summer days when we can feel its warmth as we play outside.
Thank you for cold winter days when the sun shines brightly and melts the snow and ice.
Whatever the weather is like, please help us to look after the world you created for us because we know how special it is.