Harvest Festival
A special session for use with preschool children to celebrate Harvest Festival.
Suggested resources:
The Lion Easy-Read Bible, Christina Goodings and Jamie Smith
The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman
- Percussion instruments.
Bible Story
There are lots of stories that you can use to help celebrate a Harvest Festival. Whichever one you choose, talk about how God provides for us and why it’s important that we say thank you to him.
Bible Stories
- Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-9, Mark 4:1-9, Luke 8:4-8, 11-15)
The Lion Easy-Read Bible, p.264
- Feeding of the 5000 (Matthew 14:13-21, Mark 6:33-44, Luke 9:10-17, John 6-1-14)
The Lion Easy-Read Bible, p.260 or The Play Along Bible, p.73
Other stories to include:
- The Little Red Hen, Traditional
https://youtu.be/HEJPSPNv3Do (CBeebies, Mr Tumble)
You can find many versions of this story in book shops or on the internet. If appropriate, adapt the end of the story so the Little Red Hen is kind and shares the bread even though her friends didn’t help her!
- The Enormous Turnip, Traditional
https://youtu.be/7kacNiisKg0 (CBeebies, Mr Tumble)
Get the children to act out the story and all join in to pull up the turnip. You could make animal masks in group and get the children to put them on as they help pull!
- The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Eric Carle
https://youtu.be/75NQK-Sm1YY (Animated Version)
Children love this story! There are lots of resources available for use with this e.g. colouring pages.
Song Suggestions
- Theme song (Tune ‘Frère Jacques’)
Seeds all scattered, seeds all scattered,
In the field, in the field.
Now the corn is growing, now the corn is growing,
Tall and strong, tall and strong.
Combine harvester, combine harvester
Gathering grain, gathering grain.
Grind it into flour, grind it into flour,
Make some bread, make some bread.
Fruit and vegetables, fruit and vegetables,
Ready to pick, ready to pick.
Apples, pears and carrots, apples, pears and carrots,
Yum, yum, yum, in my tum!
For the harvest, for the harvest,
We give thanks, we give thanks.
Thanks to God our Father, thanks to God our Father,
He is good! He is good!
2. Harvest Samba https://youtu.be/Cwri-YWb8hU
3. Cauliflowers Fluffy https://youtu.be/PukdaXUzgOU
Craft/Activity Ideas
Active Game
Play this simple run-around game. As the children run around shout different words below. Practice the actions first.
Seeds Roll up into ball on ground.
Corn Stand tall stretching high.
Combine Harvester Run around pretending to drive.
Farmer Stand with hands on hips and say ‘Ooh, aah!’
Scarecrow Pull a scary face!
- For craft ideas see https://www.pinterest.co.uk/FamilyMinistriesUKIT/harvest-craft-ideas/
Sensory Play
- If you have the facilities, you might like to give the children some bread dough to knead into shapes when they arrive so it can be cooked and eaten together at the end. Instant dough that you just add water to is available at most supermarkets. Be aware of allergies.
- Have a selection of fruit and vegetables for tasting.
- Create a farm themed tuff tray using cereals, tractors, animals etc.
Traditional song/rhyme to be said or sung:
Thank you for the world so sweet,
Thank you for the food we eat,
Thank you for the birds that sing,
Thank you, God, for everything.
A responsive prayer
Get the children to respond with the text in bold.
For farmers who work hard to grow crops and vegetables,
We say, ‘Thank you God’.
For everyone who works in factories and shops that make and sell food,
We say, ‘Thank you God’.
For the food that we eat and enjoy every day,
We say, ‘Thank you God’.
For the people who prepare and cook our meals,
We say, ‘Thank you God’.
For all that you provide for us,
We say, ‘Thank you God’.