A Christmas Countdown!
'A Christmas Countdown!' is a three-session Christmas series from 'Jump In!' for use with pre-school children.
Suggested Resources:
- ‘A Countdown to Christmas’ – Action Rhyme (see below)
- 'A Christmas Countdown' theme song (mp3, lead sheet, lyric and dance videos available)
- The Play-Along Bible
- A Christmas Countdown Cards - printable templates (see below)
- Percussion instruments
Bible Story
Luke 2:1-7
This series is to accompany the teaching of an action rhyme called ‘A Christmas Countdown’ which can support the telling of the story of the first Christmas.
See separate section below for the action rhyme and start to teach the rhyme and actions.
Focus on the numbers 10, 9 and 8.
The Play-Along Bible
Away in a Manger, p52
Craft Ideas
Over the next three sessions, make a Christmas Countdown that supports the teaching of the action rhyme.
Using the card templates, get the children to colour/decorate numbers 10, 9 and 8. You can stick these on lolly sticks so they can be held up easily.
You could also make a large collage for display that shows the Christmas Countdown and could be used as a backdrop for saying the rhyme together in a Christmas service.
For more ideas, check our Pinterest boards:
Song Suggestions
1. Learn and teach the ‘Counting down to Christmas’ theme song:
Tick-tock, tick-tock
Tick-tock, tick-tock
We're counting down to Christmas
Advent time is here
We're counting down to Christmas
A special time of year
We're counting down to Christmas
There's lots to see and do
We're counting down to Christmas
It's fun for me and you
10, 9, 8,
7, 6, 5,
4, 3, 2 and 1
Counting down to Christmas,
Come on everyone!
Baby Jesus born today the Saviour of the world
Let's clap and shout and sing out loud that Jesus is the Lord.
Tick-tock, tick-tock
Tick-tock, tick-tock
We're counting down to Christmas
There's presents round the tree
We're counting down to Christmas
With friends and family
We're counting down to Christmas
Sing carols old and new
We're counting down to Christmas
God’s love forever true.
10, 9, 8,
7, 6, 5,
4, 3, 2 and 1
Counting down to Christmas,
Come on everyone!
Baby Jesus born today the Saviour of the world
Let's clap and shout and sing out loud that Jesus is the Lord.
2. ‘Away in a manger’
3. ‘It was on a starry night’
4. ‘Calypso carol’
Get everyone to shout together, ‘Advent is here!’
Advent is here – we are counting down the days until Christmas!
Advent is here – we are waiting to celebrate the birth of Baby Jesus!
Advent is here – Thank you, God, for this very special time of year!
Bible Story
Luke 2:8-20
Continue teaching the ‘Christmas Countdown’ rhyme and actions.
Focus on the numbers 7, 6, and 5.
The Play-Along Bible
The Saviour has been born, p55
Craft Ideas
If you are making the Christmas Countdown collage or cards, continue doing this with numbers 7, 6 and 5.
For more ideas, check our Pinterest boards:
Song Suggestions
1. Theme Song
‘Counting down to Christmas’ (see previous session)
2. Tune: ‘Jingle Bells’
Christmas time, Christmas time, Christmas time is near,
Bang the drums and shake the bells and clap and give a cheer!
Christmas time, Christmas time, Christmas time is near,
We’re so glad that Jesus came for everybody here!
3. ‘Away in a manger’
4. ‘It was on a starry night’
5. ‘Calypso carol’
Prayer song
(Tune: ‘Twinkle, twinkle little star’)
Twinkle, twinkle, star so bright,
Sparkles in the darkest night.
Baby Jesus born this day,
Lying in a bed of hay.
We will rock you as we sing,
Thank you, Jesus, Baby King!
Bible Story
Matthew 2:1-12
Say together the ‘Christmas Countdown’ rhyme and actions.
Focus on the numbers 4, 3, 2, and 1.
The Play-Along Bible
New Star, New King, p56
Craft Ideas
Finish making the ‘Christmas ‘Countdown collage or cards, with numbers 4, 3, 2 and 1.
For more ideas, check our Pinterest boards:
Song Suggestions
1. Theme Song
‘Counting down to Christmas’ (see previous sessions)
2. Tune: ‘Jingle Bells’
Christmas time, Christmas time, Christmas time is near,
Bang the drums and shake the bells and clap and give a cheer!
Christmas time, Christmas time, Christmas time is near,
We’re so glad that Jesus came for everybody here!
3. ‘Away in a manger’
4. ‘It was on a starry night’
5. ‘Calypso carol’
Encourage everyone to join in saying ‘Thank You.’
The wise men travelled very far when they followed your bright shining star. They said, ‘Thank you.’
They brought lovely gifts to Jesus – gold, frankincense and myrrh. Mary said, ‘Thank you.’
You sent Jesus to be our special friend. He is the greatest Christmas gift of all. We say, ‘Thank you.’
(Please note: Actions are highlighted in brackets and italics)
Ten angels shining bright (Hold up ten fingers)
Fill the sky with heavenly light (Wiggle fingers to represent sparkling light)
Nine people rushing round (Hold up nine fingers and wiggle)
’Til a place to sleep is found (Sleeping hands by head and close eyes)
Eight sheep on a hill (Hold up eight fingers)
Munching grass while all is still (Rub tummy – say ‘Baaa…’)
Seven camels form a chain (Hold up seven fingers)
Travel far through dust and rain (Walk on the spot and fingers rain down)
Six stars way up high (Hold up six fingers)
See them sparkle in the sky (Twinkle, twinkle hands)
Five beds at the inn (Hold up five fingers)
There’s no room – you can’t come in (Wag finger and shake head)
Four shepherds hear the news (Hold up four fingers – cup ear)
Run to see – no time to lose (Hand over eyes and run on the spot)
Three gifts rare and old (Hold up three fingers)
Myrrh and frankincense and gold (Count up 1, 2, 3)
Two parents full of joy (Hold up two fingers)
Cradling their little boy (Rock the baby)
One baby – God’s own son (Hold up one finger)
Born today for everyone! (Draw large circle in air with both hands to represent world)

A Christmas Countdown Action Rhyme
Download a PDF of the Action Rhyme

Christmas Countdown Cards
Printable Christmas Countdown Cards to use as the main craft idea for the Jump In! sessions