Environment Resources

Explore the selection of resources below that aim to support you as you care for creation. 


All Environment Resources

Care for Creation Worship Resources

Resources | Environment, Worship
Worship resources to give a regular focus to the importance of this topic and to understand more about the fullness of God's nature and purpose.

Environment Sunday

Resources | Key dates, Corporate worship
Resources to help corps and centres observe Environment Sunday in early June.

Care for Creation Explore it

Resources | Children's work, Discipleship
This discipleship material for children’s groups focuses on caring for creation and protecting the environment.

One Planet

Resources | Environment
This song from the Right Tracks resource gives lots of ideas to help look after the environment. *Includes School Assembly Resources*

Care for our World

Resources | Environment
Connect session for World Environment Day on 05 June.

Get OWT!

Resources | Children's work, Community engagement
Let nature nurture your little ones with this family-oriented programme.

Discover More

Supporting the territory to care for creation and tread softly on our common home.

The Salvation Army's International Positional Statement on Caring for the Environment.

Hayley Still explores the biblical basis for caring about the environment and the role of the Church.

Major Heather Poxon (THQ) talks to Captain Jo Moir about making Together 2023 as eco-friendly as possible.

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