Diwrnod 142: Gweddïo dros waith Byddin yr Iachawdwriaeth Ryngwladol (2015) Wales Division, Prayer Tachwedd 6ed: Diwrnod 142 of 150 Diwrnod o Weddi.
Day 142: Praying for the international Salvation Army (2015) Wales Division, Prayer 6 November 2024: Join with Salvationists of the Wales Division for day 142 of 150 days of prayer.
Diwrnod 141: Gweddïo dros Wyliau Cenedlaethol Cymru Eisteddfod, Sioe Frenhinol (2014) Wales Division, Prayer Tachwedd 5ed: Diwrnod 141 of 150 Diwrnod o Weddi.
Day 141: Praying for the Welsh national shows Eisteddfod and Royal Welsh (2014) Wales Division, Prayer 5 November 2024: Join with Salvationists of the Wales Division for day 141 of 150 days of prayer.
Diwrnod 140: Gweddïo dros gymunedau sydd wedi’u heffeithio gan drychinebau pyllau glo a chau’r pyllau glo (2013) Wales Division, Prayer Tachwedd 4ydd: Diwrnod 140 of 150 Diwrnod o Weddi.
Day 140: Praying for communities affected by pit disasters and pit closures (2013) Wales Division, Prayer 4 November 2024: Join with Salvationists of the Wales Division for day 140 of 150 days of prayer.
Diwrnod 139: Gweddïo dros ddathliadau (2012) Wales Division, Prayer Tachwedd 3ydd: Diwrnod 139 of 150 Diwrnod o Weddi.
Day 139: Praying for celebrations (2012) Wales Division, Prayer 3 November 2024: Join with Salvationists of the Wales Division for day 139 of 150 days of prayer.
Diwrnod 138: Gweddïo dros fywydau ysbrydol pobl Cymru a’r DU (2011) Wales Division, Prayer Tachwedd 2il: Diwrnod 138 of 150 Diwrnod o Weddi.
Day 138: Praying for the spiritual life of the people of Wales and the rest of the UK (2011) Wales Division, Prayer 2 November 2024: Join with Salvationists of the Wales Division for day 138 of 150 days of prayer.