Day 142: Praying for the international Salvation Army (2015)
6 November 2024

Join with Salvationists of the Wales Division for day 142 of 150 days of prayer.
- 'Yes Lord, I am calling to you to help me. You are my safe place where I can hide. You are all that I need in this world where I live' (Psalm 142:5, EasyEnglish Bible).
Cwm Corps history book recorded the visit of the International Staff Songsters to the corps on 14 and 15 February 2015:
‘The visit of the ISS to Cwm was ground-breaking in that this was a visit shared by Cwm and the neighbouring valley corps of Abertillery. It was consistent with the initiative of the Staff Songsters to extend their ministry to smaller corps.
‘Just days before the arrival of the songsters, comrades from both corps had met in prayer and concluded their devotions by claiming the promise ‘… over the hills and the valleys, sounds of abundance of rain’. The prayer was answered magnificently – not literally, thankfully – but spiritually, through the tremendous blessings to over five hundred people who gathered in the various venues to hear the songsters.
‘Ebbw Vale’s magnificent Christchurch was packed for Saturday night’s Festival of Praise and the brigade’s first offering of “Introit” from Psalm 24 was perfect for both time and place. Their final offering in the Sunday afternoon festival in Abertillery’s packed hall was “God, We Will Give You Glory’ and that just about summed up this beautiful weekend of worship and praise.
'Both festivals afforded the songsters the opportunity to demonstrate their virtuosity and technical prowess, and their carefully selected programme included pieces which were bang up to date, as well as much-loved classics like ‘Grant Us Thy Peace’ and ‘Remember Me’. Solo items presented by Songsters Rachel Gray, Rob Moye, Gemma Hinchliffe and the inimitable Richard Phillips brought great joy and blessing.
‘The songsters divided on Sunday morning with half of the brigade leading worship at Cwm and the other half doing the same at Abertillery. Much blessing was enjoyed in the meeting at Abertillery where Lieut-Colonel George Pilkington challenged the congregation to learn from Matthew’s immediate response to Jesus’ call, and at Cwm where Songster Cliff Matthews reminded us to lay the burdens that would hinder us right at the feet of Jesus.
‘The leadership of Songster Leader Dorothy Nancekievill throughout the weekend was, as always, impeccable, not only in her musical direction of this remarkable brigade, but also in the comfortable rapport she established with audiences and congregations. Colonel Pilkington brought his own brand of humour and challenge in his sensitive leadership of both festivals.
‘Abertillery and Cwm’s musical sections united on Sunday afternoon. The united bands played the much-appreciated “Land Of Song” and the united songsters sang “Under His Wings”. A highlight for the home brigades was, of course, to join with the ISS for the lively “Singing In The Heavenly Choir”.
‘This was a weekend long anticipated and much prayed for. Comrades and friends from the two host corps will carry the blessings for a long time and are grateful to the ISS for their willingness to come and minister to these smaller expressions of the Army.'
Marie Moreton interviewed Les and Rosemary Moreton (Tenby Corps) when they came back from the 2015 ‘Boundless’ International Congress. It was printed in the Tenby Observer in July 2015. Tenby Corps history book includes a clipping of the article, with this introduction by Marie: ‘In [the article] they share their experiences and what the title “Boundless” means to them. They came back from London so excited and full of the Boundless experience. Their excitement is catching as we are all looking forward to the celebrations we are going to be having here in Tenby Corps, celebrating 150 years of The Salvation Army and our corps anniversary.’
The article said:
‘There are countries where expressions of Salvation Army work can only be provided by humanitarian care, but this is done in the name of Jesus Christ even though the name cannot be preached.
‘For me, then, the “Boundless” concept had no limits in the message, worship, fellowship and development of greater understanding of my comrades overseas. This is illustrated by the story of my Pembrokeshire flag. Taking it to London, and getting into conversation with a group of people passing by, this flag is now making its way to Patagonia for their 200 years’ celebration, via Belgium and Argentina, to be carried by a Salvationist, who is Argentinian, working in Brussels, then to be presented to a Salvation Army officer by the name of Williams whom I have never met! This is “Boundless”!’
‘Les and Rosemary are still excited and full and overflowing with the “Boundless experience”. Their excitement is catching, as we too are excited about playing our part in the 150 years celebrations by holding an exhibition on Saturday and then celebrating our corps anniversary on Sunday. Come and celebrate with us.’
- Thank God for the encouragement to smaller corps when the International Staff Songsters or the International Staff Band visit their communities.
- Praise God that we are an international Salvation Army and how those connections draw us together as one.
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Captain Kathryn Stowers talks to Major Jo Moir (THQ) about celebrating 150 years of mission and ministry in Wales.