

Prayer, Bible study
Reflections, prayers and Bible studies to help you go deeper with God.

One Thing for the World

Resources | Prayer, Discipleship
The third part of the ‘One Thing’ three part teaching series on prayer.

One Thing for the Church

Resources | Prayer, Discipleship
The second part of the ‘One Thing’ three part teaching series on prayer.

One Thing for Us

Resources | Discipleship, Small groups
The first part of the ‘One Thing’ three part teaching series on prayer.

Into the Wild

Resources | Prayer, Individual use
A year-long journey of prayer to help you experience God’s presence as never before.

Pray for Schools

Resources | Prayer, Schools
Resources to support praying for your local school.

Prayer Matters

Resources | Prayer, Discipleship
Daily prayers to inform, encourage and immerse the territory in prayer.

Let's Rebuild Together

Resources | Prayer, Discipleship
A call to prayer which could be used over Lent or at other times of the year.