Discipleship Resources

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Prayer Matters

New edition of Prayer Matters is available now

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music notes with 'songs unpacked' in the centre

Sing to the Lord - Songs Unpacked

Simple and short ideas that can easily be slotted into your rehearsal time

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All Discipleship Resources

One Thing for the World

Resources | Prayer, Discipleship
The third part of the ‘One Thing’ three part teaching series on prayer.

One Thing for the Church

Resources | Prayer, Discipleship
The second part of the ‘One Thing’ three part teaching series on prayer.

One Thing for Us

Resources | Discipleship, Small groups
The first part of the ‘One Thing’ three part teaching series on prayer.

Unknown Terrain

Resources | Youth work, Discipleship
In this podcast we consider how, in the face of a global pandemic, we can face change, move through suffering, receive joy and mature in service.

Athlos Volume 2

Resources | Discipleship, Sport and wellbeing
Volume 2 of the video-based discipleship resource that help groups explore searching questions about life and faith through sport.

Athlos Volume 1

Resources | Sport and wellbeing, Discipleship
A video-based discipleship resource to help groups explore searching questions about life and faith through sport.

Who Is This Jesus Anyway?

Resources | Community engagement, Discipleship
This leaflet answers some of the basic questions about Jesus - his place in history, his life, teaching, example, death, resurrection and Spirit in the world today.


Resources | Sport and wellbeing, Individual use
Wellbeing is the fulfilment of Christ's offer of 'abundant life' (John 10:10).

Youth Small Group

Resources | Youth work, Small groups
Compelling small group (previously known as Cell Outlines) Bible study resources for ages 12-25

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