Discipleship Resources

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Prayer Matters

New edition of Prayer Matters is available now

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music notes with 'songs unpacked' in the centre

Sing to the Lord - Songs Unpacked

Simple and short ideas that can easily be slotted into your rehearsal time

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All Discipleship Resources

Prayer Partners

Resources | Discipleship, Children's work
This prayer initiative aims to pair a young person and an adult together, and for that
adult to be a support in prayer.

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Resources | Discipleship, Family ministry
Leaping into faith with little ones. A Bible-based curriculum for those working with pre-school children and their carers.


Resources | Sport and wellbeing, Discipleship
A Sports mission resource to help you to connect your cycling and your faith.

Momentum - Movement to Music

Resources | Older people's ministry, Discipleship
Gentle armchair based movements with music and Scripture for older people.

Psalms, Prayers, Coffee and Chat

Resources | Older people's ministry, Discipleship
A simple way of creating a conversation around scripture using the Book of Psalms.


Resources | Discipleship, Children's work
Helping children explore their personal faith journey and understand what it means to be a junior solider of The Salvation Army.

The Generous Heart

Resources | Discipleship, Small groups
Six Bible studies based on Psalm 100:1-5 which help explore the theme of Generous Discipleship.

Explore it 2021

Resources | Children's work, Discipleship
2021 discipleship material for children’s groups. To help your group to interact, grow and have fun together.

Age to Age

Resources | Discipleship, Older people's ministry
Age to Age is a collection of 30 discipleship conversations written by older people for older people.

Journeying Home

Resources | Discipleship, Older people's ministry
Journeying Home provides missional, practical and pastorally focused resources on end of life.

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