Discipleship Resources

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Prayer Matters

New edition of Prayer Matters is available now

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music notes with 'songs unpacked' in the centre

Sing to the Lord - Songs Unpacked

Simple and short ideas that can easily be slotted into your rehearsal time

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All Discipleship Resources

Environment Sunday

Resources | Key dates, Corporate worship
Resources to help corps and centres observe Environment Sunday in early June.

Care for Creation Explore it

Resources | Children's work, Discipleship
This discipleship material for children’s groups focuses on caring for creation and protecting the environment.

Transformational Mission

Resources | Youth work, Discipleship
Youth small group material exploring what it means for Christians to be salt and light in the world

Coronation Celebration!

Resources | Discipleship, Family ministry
A special session to celebrate King Charles III's Coronation.

Transformational Discipleship

Resources | Youth work, Small groups
Youth small group material looking at how we can be transformed by a life of discipleship

The Real Easter Message

Resources | Youth work, Discipleship
A stand-alone youth small group session looking at the real Easter message

The Life of Jesus

Resources | Youth work, Small groups
Youth small group material focussing on the life of Jesus

Promise Keeper

Resources | Youth work, Small groups
Youth Small Group material looking at God's covenant with different people from the Old Testament

Advent Art

Resources | Individual use, Small groups
Print out the Advent Art sheets to colour in and read the supporting thoughts documents to help in your reflections

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