Prayer Partners

Having a prayer partner to share a regular time in prayer will enable young people to experience praying with others and grasp how prayer is an essential part of growing in their faith.

It is important for them to know that they are loved and valued, and by having a committed adult spending regular time praying with and for them will affirm them as a part of the church and as a child of God. The prayer partnership can be a beneficial experience not just for the young person, but for the adult partner too.


A guide on how to start the prayer partners ministry.


An information card for the young person.


Cards for young people to write their prayer requests on.

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Please feel free to print off the resources or get in touch to order hard copies.

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Our longing as leaders is surely that our children find their own voice in enable children to find that voice, we need to create a safe praying place and give our prayer time together value and importance.

Other useful links

Discipleship material for children’s groups. To help your group to interact, grow and have fun together. Now available: August 2024 and Light Guides for younger children.

Compelling small group (previously known as Cell Outlines) Bible study resources for ages 12-25

Helping children explore their personal faith journey and understand what it means to be a junior solider of The Salvation Army.

A resource for children's groups about wellbeing.