Reimagining Mission Post-COVID-19
The Research and Development Unit carried out a territorial-wide piece of research in 2020 to look into how COVID-19 affected missional practice and thinking in various expressions of mission and church life within The Salvation Army in the UK and Ireland.
As a result of this research the material below (available to download in its entirety and as individual chapters) is designed to enable corps and individuals to reflect on how they will reimagine mission in their contexts as they deal with changing circumstances brought about by the pandemic.
The themes covered will help us think about our life with God, our life together and our life in the world.
Individual Chapters

COVID-19 as a Spur to Prayer and Lament
Lament session

COVID-19 as Trauma
Trauma session

COVID-19 and Discipleship
Discipleship session

COVID-19 and Sharing the Good News
Evangelism session

COVID-19 and Inequalities (1)
Inequalities session 1

COVID-19 and Inequalities (2)
Inequalities session 2