Discipleship Resources

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Prayer Matters

New edition of Prayer Matters is available now

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music notes with 'songs unpacked' in the centre

Sing to the Lord - Songs Unpacked

Simple and short ideas that can easily be slotted into your rehearsal time

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All Discipleship Resources

A Closer Look at Dementia

Resources | Discipleship, Older people's ministry
Older People's Ministries takes a closer look at Dementia.

Connect Riverbank Sessions

Resources | Family ministry, Discipleship
Connect Riverbank sessions, explores a range of themes linked to the Riverbank Women's Conference.

Generous Discipleship Bible Studies

Resources | Discipleship, Small groups
Two interactive Bible study videos to explore the generosity of God and our relationship with material wealth

Sing to the Lord - Songs Unpacked

Resources | Music and creative arts, Discipleship
Bible verses, prayers and activities to help children understand the meaning behind the songs - PLUS action videos for selected songs.

Transformational Worship

Resources | Youth work, Discipleship
Youth small group material exploring transformational worship

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