Discipleship Resources

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Prayer Matters

New edition of Prayer Matters is available now

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music notes with 'songs unpacked' in the centre

Sing to the Lord - Songs Unpacked

Simple and short ideas that can easily be slotted into your rehearsal time

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All Discipleship Resources

Shape Sorter

Resources | Discipleship, Family ministry
Four-session Jump IN! series to help identify four main shapes

Advent and Christmas 2023

Resources | Key dates, Corporate worship
Teaching and prayer and worship resources to help congregations explore the theme of 'Comfort and Joy' this Christmas.

Transforming Power

Resources | Youth work, Discipleship
Youth small group material exploring the transforming power of the Holy Spirit

How Do You Feel Today?

Resources | Discipleship, Family ministry
An eight-week Jump IN! series outline exploring our feelings using stories from the Old Testament

Summer Small Group Material

Resources | Youth work, Discipleship
Youth small group material offering different options and ideas to use over the summer period

Ageing Well

Resources | Older people's ministry, Small groups
A resource to encourage the beauty of growing older and how to use the knowledge and skills acquired over the years to view ageing positively, giving time to explore new opportunities


Resources | Youth work, Discipleship
Youth small group material exploring justice and what it means for us as Christians

The Small Fish Podcast & Illustrated Edition

Resources | Children's work, Discipleship
14 five-minute episodes to help children transition from primary to secondary school as they become small fish in a big pond. Now including 14 illustrated video versions.

Transforming Justice

Resources | Youth work, Discipleship
Youth small group material exploring justice and what it means for us as Christians

A Closer Look at Retirement

Resources | Discipleship, Older people's ministry
Older People's Ministries takes a closer look at Retirement.

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