Coronation Celebration!
'Coronation Celebration' is a special session outline from Jump IN! to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III.
Suggested Resources:
- The Play-Along Bible
- Percussion instruments
- Instrument songs
On 6-8 May 2023, throughout the United Kingdom and across the Commonwealth, people are invited to celebrate the Coronation of His Majesty The King, Charles III and Her Majesty The Queen Consort.
The Coronation is centred around an ancient religious ceremony that has remained largely unchanged in essence for over a thousand years. For the last 900 years, the ceremony has taken place at Westminster Abbey, London. It is
also usually conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury – this will be the same on Saturday 6 May.
The word ‘coronation’ comes from the Latin ‘corona’, meaning a crown. Monarchs are described as being crowned rather than coronated. The crowning is near the end of the ceremony and will include the King making promises to God and the people they serve. Throughout the Coronation, the words and actions represent the duties and responsibilities of the monarch. It will also include a sacred blessing, known as the anointing, and the receiving of the royal regalia, such as the orb and sceptre.
In the Bible, we read many stories about kings and queens. In this Jump IN! session, we are going to look at the story of King David and remember that we follow Jesus, the King of kings!
For other information, ideas and resources see and
Bible Story
Based on 2 Samuel 5:1-5 David is made King of Israel.
Tell the story below, getting the children to shout out the words in bold.
David was a shepherd boy who looked after his family’s sheep.
Sometimes it was lonely and scary, but he knew God was with him!
God was with David! God is with me!
One day Samuel visited David’s house and said that, when he was older, God had chosen David to become King. David didn’t understand but he trusted God was with him!
God was with David! God is with me!
God’s people had enemies and David ended up fighting a giant called Goliath. Even though David was much weaker than Goliath, he won because God was with him!
God was with David! God is with me!
When the time was right, David became King and God helped him to be a good, strong King!
God was with David! God is with me!
Song Suggestions
1. Theme Song
(Tune: ‘Frère Jacques’)
Coronation, Coronation,
Celebrate! Celebrate!
Wearing crowns together, wearing crowns together,
Shout and sing – Charles is King!
Coronation, Coronation,
Celebrate! Celebrate!
Clapping hands together, Clapping hands together,
Shout and sing – Jesus is King!
2.‘Sing Hosanna!’:
3.‘Who’s the King of the jungle’:
4.National Anthem:
Craft Ideas and Other Activities
- Cut out cardboard crowns and decorate using coloured pencils and tissue paper
- Hold a Coronation Party or Picnic as part of the Coronation Big Lunch initiative: https://www.edenprojectcommuni
- Organise a community project as part of the Big Help Out on Monday 8 May:
For other coronation craft ideas see
Dear God,
We thank you for this time of celebration as King Charles is crowned as King!
(Shout: ‘Hip, Hip, Hooray! for the King!’)
We pray that you will bless him and keep him safe.
(Shout: ‘God bless the King!’)
Please help us all to follow Jesus who is the King of kings!
(Shout: ‘Jesus is the King of kings!’)