Small group resources
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Connect Worship Sessions
Resources | Family ministry, Discipleship
Connect Worship sessions, interactive worship for an informal setting, or café church.
Connect Special Days Sessions
Resources | Family ministry, Discipleship
Connect sessions for key dates in the year.
Connect Fellowship Sessions
Resources | Family ministry, Discipleship
Connect Fellowship sessions, often encouraging members to bring and share something of themselves.
Resources | Family ministry, Discipleship
Weekly resources for mid-week groups. Latest sessions: Easter and three more sessions exploring the Mission Priorities.
Athlos Volume 3
Resources | Discipleship, Sport and wellbeing
Volume 3 of the video-based discipleship resource that help groups explore searching questions about life and faith through sport.
Reimagining Mission Post-COVID-19
Resources | Small groups, Discipleship
A booklet exploring how our approach to mission has been affected by the pandemic.
Resources | Sport and wellbeing, Discipleship
A Sports mission resource to help you to connect your cycling and your faith.
Momentum - Movement to Music
Resources | Older people's ministry, Discipleship
Gentle armchair based movements with music and Scripture for older people.
Psalms, Prayers, Coffee and Chat
Resources | Older people's ministry, Discipleship
A simple way of creating a conversation around scripture using the Book of Psalms.
The Generous Heart
Resources | Discipleship, Small groups
Six Bible studies based on Psalm 100:1-5 which help explore the theme of Generous Discipleship.