Connect Fellowship Sessions

Fellowship sessions

CONNECT - for mid-week/Home League groups

These sessions aim to be lighter in tone, often encouraging members to bring and share something of themselves.

A row of the same four icons, two people, one with their arm around the other's shoulder, inside a simplified house.

Latest Session

Connect session on moving and change - including Farewell/Welcome Sundays

Connect session about appreciating the laughs we can have in life.


Connect session on moving and change - including Farewell/Welcome Sundays

Connect session about appreciating the laughs we can have in life.

Connect session exploring debate, conflict and disputes.

Connect session for 03 December International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

Connect session exploring the Riverbank theme for 2023.

Connect session for 1 July.

Connect session for August and Summer.

Connect session for March and Spring.

Connect session for the New Year.

Connect session for Christmas.

Connect session for summer sports day fun.

Connect session for 02 July.

Connect session for New Year reflections.

Connect Links

Connect Worship sessions, interactive worship for an informal setting, or café church.

Connect Service sessions, a range of ways to empower your group to make a difference.

Connect Education sessions, exploring a wide range of light and serious topics.

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