Shield Books
Big Questions for Small Groups
Big Questions for Small Groups is a series designed for small-group discussion but it can also be used for individual reflection.
In each book in the series a different author will focus on one topic and include five questions and answers, followed by questions for the reader to consider.
We encourage you to use the book over five sessions rather than attempting to address all five questions in one session.
You will also find a short listing of additional reading on the topic covered in that book.

Lyndall Bywater explores some of the big questions surrounding prayer and tries to tackle some of the seemingly illogical bits too.

Ian Barr explores some of the big questions surrounding the Bible and helps make the wonder of God’s word ever more real to us.

Phil Garnham explores truth from the perspective of the Christian community to see if we can bring any clarity to this big question.

Hayley Still explores the biblical basis for caring about the environment and the role of the Church.

A small group study on the new territorial vision and mission statements.

Explore the six behavioural values outlined in The Salvation Army’s Values Framework.

Explore key questions about the person and work of the Holy Spirit.