Easter Resources 2025

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The theme of ‘Courageous Love’ for Easter 2025 is a call to love boldly as Jesus did, seen in complete fulfilment with his death and resurrection.

This Easter, we want to remember the sacrifice and triumph of Jesus with thanks and allow this love to compel us to live for him in courageous ways. The challenge to love may come in unexpected ways, as did the life lived by Jesus. 

On this page you will find resources to support Holy Week which help to create intentional moments of focus and reflection on the lead up to Easter, and resources to support your Good Friday and Easter Sunday corporate worship. 

Coming soon: Easter message from our Territorial Leaders. 
The 2-minute video will follow the same theme of courage, and will be made available before Holy Week for corps to use in Easter worship meetings.


Remote video URL
Full spoken word video of Jesus' death and resurrection

The following resource forms a series called ‘Moments of Meditation’

These resources aim to bring intentional moments of pause and reflection for Holy Week, and can be used either individually or corporately in your corps.

Therefore, please feel free to adapt any of these ideas for a corporate worship setting.

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Moments of Meditation

A series of resources to focus on Jesus this Holy Week.

Please find resources on the following four themes:
Meditating on Scripture, Meditating on Art, Meditating in Prayer and Meditating on Music.


Sermon Material


Sermon outline based on the theme of Courageous Love: A Willing Sacrifice - placing ourselves in the story as we consider the inspiring love of Christ.


Sermon outline based on the theme of Courageous Love: An Invitation - looking at three key responses to Jesus' resurrection.


Easter small group material based on the theme of Courageous Love.


Explore the challenge to live according to courageous love.

Social Media Templates

Contemporary Easter Worship Playlist

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Children's Crafts

Resources to support and inspire children's teaching material this Easter.


Material to help you say hello!

If you are planning outreach activities this Easter and are looking for resources to help introduce yourselves to your community, then visit the Hello resources page to put Courageous Love in action.

Click Here

Other Easter Resources

Other Useful Links

Hymn accompaniments, music and Scripture based videos to support your Holy Week and Easter services and ministry.

Resources to help you explore courage this Lent including material for Palm Sunday.

Explore the range of prayer, music and drama resources

Resources to help support key dates throughout the year