Seasonal Assemblies (Secondary)
School assemblies tend to follow a seasonal timetable. Guest speakers are often invited in to speak to large groups of students covering a wide range of seasonal topics. This provides a wonderful opportunity to make a stronger connection with a school. These resources are here to help support and inspire you in delivering an engaging assembly for secondary aged children.
Harvest is usually the first big assembly of the school year. It is a fantastic opportunity to develop a stronger relationship with a school. These exciting resources will hopefully help inspire you to deliver an assembly that will appeal to a range of ages.

Generosity Assembly
Helping students understand why Salvation Army members believe giving to others is important and reflect on how we can all give to others every day.

Generosity Plan
Helping students understand why Salvation Army members believe giving to others is important and reflect on how we can all give to others every day.

Giving Your All Assembly
Helping students to reflect on what generous giving looks like and how we can give to those in need around us.

Giving Your All Plan
Helping students to reflect on what generous giving looks like and how we can give to those in need around us.

Enough is Enough Plan
Helping students to consider what we need as humans and reflect on how we could give to others.

Enough is Enough Assembly
Helping students to consider what we need as humans and reflect on how we could give to others.

Harvest Assembly
Helping students to reflect on how the little we share with others can have a big impact.

Harvest Plan
Helping students to reflect on how the little we share with others can have a big impact.
October 18th is Anti-Slavery day. This links well with the topic of anti-trafficking. These resources are intended to support children’s understanding of the issues surrounding trafficking around the world. There is a range of assemblies to choose from, depending on the age of the children and their previous knowledge of trafficking.

Anti-Trafficking Assembly
Helping students understand what human trafficking is and what is being done about it and to reflect on what everyone can do to help the fight against human trafficking.

Anti-Trafficking Plan
Helping students understand what human trafficking is and what is being done about it and to reflect on what everyone can do to help the fight against human trafficking.

Raising Our Voices Assembly
Helping students understand how The Salvation Army has fought against human trafficking in the past and reflect on what we can do today to make a stand against trafficking.

Raising Our Voices Plan
Helping students understand how The Salvation Army has fought against human trafficking in the past and reflect on what we can do today to make a stand against trafficking.

Speak Out Plan
Helping students to reflect on how we can all speak out against human trafficking.

Speak Out Assembly
Helping students to reflect on how we can all speak out against human trafficking.

More Anti-Trafficking and Modern Slavery Resources
Remembrance Day is a very important assembly. It gives the children the opportunity to reflect on the morality of war and the effect war has on people. These resources will hopefully inspire you to give a thought-provoking assembly.

Remembrance Day Assembly
Helping students to reflect on the meaning of Remembrance Day and to understand how The Salvation Army has supported those affected by conflict.

Remembrance Day Plan
Helping students to reflect on the meaning of Remembrance Day and to understand how The Salvation Army has supported those affected by conflict.

Why Do We Remember? Plan
Helping students to reflect on why we stop and remember today.

Why Do We Remember Assembly
Helping students to reflect on why we stop and remember today.
Christmas, the time of the year when we think of plum puddings, pantomimes, and presents! But not everyone is fortunate enough to receive a gift. The Salvation Army Christmas Present Appeal encourages children to think of helping others in need.

Christmas Present Appeal Plan
Helping students to reflect on what is important at Christmas and consider helping those families and individuals in the community that won’t be receiving any presents this Christmas.

Christmas Present Appeal Assembly
Helping students to reflect on what is important at Christmas and consider helping those families and individuals in the community that won’t be receiving any presents this Christmas.

Christmas Present Appeal Volunteer Signs
Helping students to reflect on what is important at Christmas and consider helping those families and individuals in the community that won’t be receiving any presents this Christmas.
Christmas is coming! Excitement’s in the air.
It's more than just the presents; It’s time to show you care!
Christmas is coming… and children are getting excited – adults too!
Christmas is a very welcome and popular assembly in schools. Please find below a selection of ideas that will help lend some sparkle to your Christmas assembly!

What's it all about? Assembly
Helping students understand some of the ways Christmas is celebrated in different parts of the world and reflect on what the birth of Jesus means to Christians and how it affects the way they live their lives.

What's it all about? Plan
Helping students understand some of the ways Christmas is celebrated in different parts of the world and reflect on what the birth of Jesus means to Christians and how it affects the way they live their lives.

New Life Plan
Helping students understand how Christmas is about celebrating new life and to reflect on how we can all do what we can to bring new life to others.

New Life Assembly
Helping students understand how Christmas is about celebrating new life and to reflect on how we can all do what we can to bring new life to others.
A time rich with themes to explore with pupils: themes of new life, hope and sacrifice.

Freedom Assembly (Post 16)
Helping students aged 16-18 to reflect on the meaning of Jesus’ resurrection for Christians and reflect on how we can help bring freedom to the lives of those around us.

Freedom Plan (Post 16)
Helping students aged 16-18 to reflect on the meaning of Jesus’ resurrection for Christians and reflect on how we can help bring freedom to the lives of those around us.

Hope Assembly
Helping students to reflect on the meaning of Easter and on how the message of hope might be relevant to your own life today.

Hope Plan
Helping students to reflect on the meaning of Easter and on how the message of hope might be relevant to your own life today.
Happy New Year! Let’s make this the best year yet. A time for self-reflection, self-improvement and a fresh start. These assembly ideas will hopefully help inspire pupils to make sure this new year is definitely brighter, better and hopefully happier.

A New Start Assembly
Helping students to reflect on how new starts are important for ourselves and for others.

A New Start Resolutions
Helping students to reflect on how new starts are important for ourselves and for others.

A New Start Plan
Helping students to reflect on how new starts are important for ourselves and for others.

Keep Going Plan
Helping students to reflect on the past year and to think about what we all can do to keep going and keep giving our best in the new year.

Keep Going Assembly
Helping students to reflect on the past year and to think about what we all can do to keep going and keep giving our best in the new year.
A good time to say thank you for all that our Mums do for us!

True Love Plan
Helping students to think about the relationships we have with those closest to us and to reflect on how we can show love back to those who love and care for us.

True Love Assembly
Helping students to think about the relationships we have with those closest to us and to reflect on how we can show love back to those who love and care for us.
Women’s History Month is celebrated each March. This is a great opportunity to share some of the inspiring stories and achievements of Salvationist women by offering to take an assembly or a lesson.

Catherine Booth Assembly
Helping students explore the work Catherine Booth did and her motivation for doing it.

Catherine Booth Fact File
Fact files and accompanying discussion questions to help students learn more about Catherine Booth.

Florence Booth Fact File
Fact files and accompanying discussion questions to help students learn more about Florence Booth.

Inspiring Change Assembly
Helping students understand how Salvation Army women have inspired change in the past and to reflect on how you could inspire change today.

Inspiring Change Plan
Helping students understand how Salvation Army women have inspired change in the past and to reflect on how you could inspire change today.
A time to thank the people in our lives who support us.

Open Arms Plan
Helping students to reflect with thankfulness on the people who are there for us and reflect on what the parable of the prodigal son tells us about God.

Open Arms Assembly
Helping students to reflect with thankfulness on the people who are there for us and reflect on what the parable of the prodigal son tells us about God.