Children's ministry resources

Discover a range of resources designed to inspire children and equip them to be effective disciples of Jesus.

Our resources have been developed to equip, enable and empower children’s workers to help children think about and talk about God, inspiring them to serve their communities and make a difference in the world.

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True Story

A series of three true stories enabling Key Stage 2 pupils to develop their understanding of anti-human trafficking. Includes lesson plans and pupil worksheets, supported by PowerPoint presentations for whole-class teaching.

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Explore it

Discipleship material for children’s groups. To help your group to interact, grow and have fun together. Now available: August 2024 and Light Guides for younger children.

Children's work | Discipleship

Care for Creation Explore it

This discipleship material for children’s groups focuses on caring for creation and protecting the environment.

Children's work | Discipleship

Ultimate Church Visit

This practical resource helps you organise an exciting and memorable primary school visit at your corps or centre.

Children's work | Schools


Helping children explore their personal faith journey and understand what it means to be a junior solider of The Salvation Army.

Discipleship | Children's work


Mobilise is a 24-session discipleship programme that aims to nurture children’s personal experience of Jesus

Children's work | Discipleship

Get OWT!

Let nature nurture your little ones with this family-orientated programme.

Children's work | Community engagement


A resource for children's groups about wellbeing.

Children's work | Sport and wellbeing

Every Picture Tells A Story

An outdoor children’s discipleship resource using photography to nurture children’s curiosity, creativity and spirituality.

Discipleship | Children's work

Jump IN!

Leaping into faith with little ones. A Bible-based curriculum for those working with pre-school children and their carers.

Discipleship | Family ministry

Contact us

If you need support with your children's ministry, connect with the Children and Youth team.

Find out more


Resources | Discipleship, Children's work
Helping children explore their personal faith journey and understand what it means to be a junior solider of The Salvation Army.

Scouting and Guiding

Resources | Children's work, Youth work
Resources for Salvation Army Scout and Guide groups.

Explore it 2021

Resources | Children's work, Discipleship
2021 discipleship material for children’s groups. To help your group to interact, grow and have fun together.


Resources | Children's work, Music and creative arts
A holiday club and musical designed for children aged 7 -12.

Every Picture Tells A Story

Resources | Discipleship, Children's work
An outdoor children’s discipleship resource using photography to nurture children’s curiosity, creativity and spirituality.


Resources | Children's work, Sport and wellbeing
A resource for children's groups about wellbeing.

Short Changed

Resources | Children's work, Music and creative arts
A holiday club and musical designed for children aged 7 -12.

Explore Easter

Resources | Family ministry, Discipleship
A Journey Through Holy Week for Children and Families

Explore it 2020

Resources | Children's work, Discipleship
2020 discipleship material for children’s groups. To help your group to interact, grow and have fun together.

Discover more

Working alongside young people is central to the mission of The Salvation Army.

Resources for summer camps, holiday clubs or any other residential or outreach events for children. 

This iLearn course is designed to equip all children’s leaders for ministry with The Salvation Army.

Explore a wide range of Primary and Secondary School resources

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