Family ministries resources
Explore our range of resources providing support for all the family.
Browse the resources by theme below. Some of these resources are available to download online or order. Links to other organisations who share our values and support the mission and ministry of our local corps and centres have also been included.
Contact Family Ministries directly for further information or to order hard copies:
Intergenerational/Family Resources
Useful books:
- Parenting for Faith: Equipping parents and churches to raise God-connected children and teens:
- Grandparenting for Faith: Sharing God with the children you love most
Men's Ministry
Men’s Ministry is happening in various forms around the territory. We are working to resource this ministry and would love to hear from you and support you. Please email with any ideas and suggestions
- CVM: Christian Vision for Men offer a range of resources that specifically focus on men and faith
Women's Ministry

A flexible discipleship course series designed for women of all ages and stages of life.

Weekly resources for mid-week groups. Latest sessions: Easter and three more sessions exploring the Mission Priorities.
Toddler Church
- The Good Practice Guide for Parent and Toddler Groups: Ideas and guidelines to support setting up a midweek parent/carer and toddler group
- Journeying Together: a flexible, four session resource from Care for the Family to help toddler group teams develop their vision, establish a healthy team culture and equip themselves to support families in their community.
- The Whys and Hows of Toddler Church
Dedication and Thanksgiving
The Salvation Army offers 'Thanksgiving' ceremony for parents wishing to thank God for their baby/child or a ‘Dedication’ ceremony for parents also wanting to make Christian promises to their baby/child.
To order a leaflet email or click here to print your own.
To order a dedication certificate visit SP&S.
Latest resources
Bonfire Night
Christmas Present Appeal Resources
Shape Sorter
Baby Loss Awareness
How Do You Feel Today?
Discover more

Support, training and resources to inspire families and individuals to flourish and develop in their faith journey.

Join women of all ages to encounter God in worship, engage in Christian teaching and explore our God-given potential.