
Introduction to Mental Health

Anytime | Online learning
This iLearn course gives an overview of mental health and encourages understanding and empathy towards those living and working through mental illness. 

Flourishing in the Wilderness

Flourishing in the Wilderness by Alice Swain seeks to show how God is with us and teaching us through trials and tribulations.


Resources | Children's work, Sport and wellbeing
A resource for children's groups about wellbeing.

DIRT - The Series

Resources | Sport and wellbeing, Discipleship
Combine exercise, reflection and wellbeing with resources from the DIRT series.


Resources | Sport and wellbeing, Individual use
Wellbeing is the fulfilment of Christ's offer of 'abundant life' (John 10:10).


Resources | Sport and wellbeing, Youth work
A healthy approach to boys' wellbeing, Upbeat helps 13-16 year old young men develop their emotional literacy.