Youth ministry resources
Discover a range of resources designed to inspire young people to become passionate followers of Jesus.
Our resources have been developed to equip, enable and empower youth workers and young people to think about and talk about God, equipping them to serve their communities and make a difference in the world.
Transforming Justice
Resources | Youth work, Discipleship
Youth small group material exploring justice and what it means for us as Christians
Transforming Power
Resources | Youth work, Discipleship
Youth small group material exploring the transforming power of the Holy Spirit
True Story
Resources | Social justice, Small groups
Inspiring young people and children to take practical action to help the victims of modern slavery.
Unknown Terrain
Resources | Youth work, Discipleship
In this podcast we consider how, in the face of a global pandemic, we can face change, move through suffering, receive joy and mature in service.
Resources | Sport and wellbeing, Youth work
A healthy approach to boys' wellbeing, Upbeat helps 13-16 year old young men develop their emotional literacy.
We Three Kings
Resources | Youth work, Discipleship
Youth small group material exploring the meaning behind the gifts that were given to Jesus
Who Am I?
Resources | Youth work, Discipleship
Youth small group material exploring the meaning behind the gifts that were given to Jesus
Who is God?
Resources | Youth work, Discipleship
Youth small group material exploring who God is.
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Empowering young people to improve the future by disturbing the present.