Youth ministry resources
Discover a range of resources designed to inspire young people to become passionate followers of Jesus.
Our resources have been developed to equip, enable and empower youth workers and young people to think about and talk about God, equipping them to serve their communities and make a difference in the world.
International Day of Children and Youth
Resources | Children's work, Youth work
Resources to help plan your personal or corps participation in the International Day of Children and Youth.
Love In Action - Salvation Army Lives
Resources | Youth work, Discipleship
Youth small group material showing love in action through Salvation Army lives.
Minor Prophets
Resources | Youth work, Discipleship
Youth small group material looking at Jonah, Amos, Hosea and Micah
More Minor Prophets
Resources | Youth work, Discipleship
Youth small group material looking at more minor prophets
Names of Jesus Isaiah 9:6
Resources | Youth work, Discipleship
Youth small group material exploring the names of Jesus
Passport Out of Poverty
Resources | Children's work, Youth work
Explore this interactive session, designed to help children learn more about how The Salvation Army is working with people around the world to overcome the challenges of poverty and injustice.
Promise Keeper
Resources | Youth work, Small groups
Youth Small Group material looking at God's covenant with different people from the Old Testament
Purpose and Promise
Resources | Youth work, Discipleship
Youth small group material looking at the clear purpose and promise Jesus gave his disciples
Resources | Youth work, Discipleship
Youth small group material exploring justice and what it means for us as Christians
Scouting and Guiding
Resources | Children's work, Youth work
Resources for Salvation Army Scout and Guide groups.
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Empowering young people to improve the future by disturbing the present.