Mother's Day
The Mother’s Day resources invite us to celebrate specific female figures in our lives. For some this date is a time of great celebration but it can also bring feelings of sadness, grief, frustration, disappointment and anger.
Last year, Family Ministries offered worship resources to support your observance of this special date within your church family. The material promotes a God-given understanding of family recognising everyone has value, belongs to the family of God and has a responsibility to love one another. These resources are still available below as well as resources for those who find Mother's Day difficult.
*New for this year* Mother’s Day has been included as part of the Lent series Week 4 Let's make a habit of kindness. On that page you will find a sermon starter as well as prayer and worship ideas to support you through Lent and this special date. You may choose to use the existing resources on this page and combine it with the resources available for Lent.
Discover more
Weekly resources for mid-week groups. Latest sessions: Three sessions exploring the Mission Priorities.
Leaping into faith with little ones. A Bible-based curriculum for those working with pre-school children and their carers.
A flexible discipleship course series designed for women of all ages and stages of life.