Care for Creation Worship Resources

The following ideas will help you consider how you can worship God in a whole range of ways:

  • To praise and give thanks for all God has made.
  • To lament for all the hurt and destruction felt by the human and non-human creation as a result of us not looking after our environment.
  • To learn more about God as creator, as the preserver of the beautiful creation spoken into being, and the ultimate reconciler of all things.
  • To better reflect this nature in the way we live our lives as disciples made in the image of our creator God.

These ideas will be added to regularly, so keep checking back for new ways to sing, pray, learn, be creative and take action as we strive to care for creation as individuals, communities and as a movement.

NB - All external links are provided for reference only. We have no control over the content of those sites or resources, which therefore may not reflect the position of The Salvation Army.

A range of ideas to reflect and praise God's creation as part of your worship services.

Resources to encourage people to praise, lament, reflect and take action to care for creation.

Take Action

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Great Big Green Week

8-16 June 2024
Get involved in the UK's biggest celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature.

Find out more

Other Links

  • Worship and Teaching – Eco Church ( – As part of the resources to support engagement with Eco Church, there are a range of ideas, resources and links which can provide further support to various aspects of your times of worship.
  • Resources – Season of Creation – The Season of Creation is an annual season of ecumenical solidarity that takes place from 1 September to 4 October. Every year a Celebration Guide is produced which contains a number of prayers, readings and other information which could be used with a time of worship either during this time or any other time of year. 

Submit Your Ideas

If you have found or developed any ideas that have helped you to care for creation in your worship services, please share these with us by filling in this form. Please note we will need references of where material has been sourced from and will need links or permission from the author in order to share these.

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