Faith in action

Calling and vocation

God gives our lives meaning and purpose.

While we are united by the call to love God and love others, our individual journeys as followers of Jesus will look different.

A lifelong commitment to Salvation Army leadership that's taken after deep thought and prayer.

A prayerful commitment to serve as a Salvation Army leader for a minimum of three years.

Opportunities may be advertised for employed corps leaders, pioneer leaders or chaplains.

Committing to ministry within your local setting.

One of The Salvation Army’s primary roles has always been to break new ground with the gospel.

From jobs in corps and headquarters to opportunities in teams responding to key social issues.

Explore the diverse opportunities to get involved in mission near you.

Design for Life (DFL) is a weekend retreat at William Booth College to help you discover God's design for your life.

Latest articles and media

Gideon's calling: How can I?

4 Jul 2022 | Bible study, Calling and vocation
Major Mal Davies considers how Gideon went from threshing wheat to leading Israel.

Apest: Teachers

14 May 2022 | Bible study, Calling and vocation
Major Ian Mountford encourages us to identify those called and gifted by God to teach.

Apest: Shepherds

7 May 2022 | Bible study, Calling and vocation
Major Vikki Burr considers what we can learn from the Shepherd’s Psalm.

Apest: Evangelists

30 Apr 2022 | Bible study, Calling and vocation
Bethany Munn asks whether we walk the walk as well as talk the talk.

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