30 March 2024
‘I’m thankful to God’
Lara Fadahunsi

Lara Fadahunsi (Liverpool Stoneycroft) testifies that she is saved not by works but by grace.
Despite coming from a Christian home, I didn’t really know what it meant to be a Christian. I was born again at university after I joined a youth fellowship for their Sunday service. The sermon, themed Accountability, made me examine my life. That day marked the beginning of my journey with Christ.
There were times I felt I hadn’t done many bad things in life, but Ephesians 2:8 and 9 taught me that the efficacy of grace and being saved is not ‘by works’ but a ‘gift of God’. Consequently, with the help of the Holy Spirit, I have grown in my personal relationship with God.
I’ve not been in The Salvation Army for long – it’s only been a few months. I had just moved to the Old Swan area with my family, and it was important for us to join a Bible-believing church. What attracted me was the sign at the front of the corps building, which read: ‘Jesus, the same yesterday, today and for ever.’ With this, I knew that Jesus’ word was preached there.
Truly, when we came for the first service, I felt a refreshing in my spirit, and my love for the Lord was rekindled. When you have been in the faith for so long, there are times when it can all become too familiar or monotonous. However, from that first time worshipping at the corps, I was revitalised to follow Christ more closely again. The sense of fellowship and longing for Jesus in the church reinforced my decision to stay.
In everything I do, I find a constant call for me to spend more time with God. Currently, I have a lot going on – studying, working, raising small children and having responsibility for my extended family. It could be easy to drown in all these things, but God has been my sustenance and my provider. I constantly trust him.
I am specifically thankful for God’s help when I had my baby. I had experienced a difficult delivery, and I’m thankful to God for his help in my pregnancy, and for all the support from people who helped with my recovery. Two weeks later, I was back doing things that I would normally do. God gave me the strength to get through it, and I am so thankful for his grace.
I see God all the time in my life. Being a Christian is not without its challenges, but I say take up your cross daily and follow him.
Written by

Lara Fadahunsi
Liverpool Stoneycroft