11 January 2025
Covenant Sunday 2025: Testimony time
Ahead of Covenant Sunday 2025, Salvationists share their stories of stepping up and standing out for God.

‘I’m captured by your holy calling’
Monika Brown (Bourne)
I am writing this testimony on the third day of the Lord’s birth. I moved to Bourne 12 years ago and started to go to Cameo at the Army.
I have always had faith, so as the years went by, I found it was getting stronger. Army songs and readings started to talk to me, and it was Isaiah (see Isaiah 64:8) who spoke to me through ‘Beautiful Lord, Wonderful Saviour’ (SASB 355) with these words:
I’m captured by your holy calling,
Set me apart.
I know you’re drawing me to yourself;
Lead me, Lord, I pray.
This song sent a shiver down my spine, these readings led me to become a soldier, and I know now the Lord has work for me to do in his name!
- Monika was enrolled as a soldier on Covenant Sunday 2024. Since then, she has also joined the heralding team.

‘It felt like coming home’
Eleanor Reid (Bourne)
I became interested in The Salvation Army through the parent-and-toddler group. Through the friendship it offered, I found the Army to be an organisation where I could develop and deepen my faith in a community that began to feel like family. The decision to become an adherent felt like coming home to where I belonged!
- Eleanor was welcomed as an adherent on Covenant Sunday 2024. Since then, she has become really involved with the community work of the corps.

‘We try to follow the Saviour’s example’
Majors Konstantin and Irina Shvab (Ukraine)
The story of our covenant as soldiers began in 1999. We were not looking for help but wanted to help. The Army’s mission, its uniform, is what inspired us and continues to inspire us.
To be a soldier is an inspiring challenge in a world of Christian formalism. We were attracted by their willingness to carry the gospel, determination to overcome stereotypes, and disdain for difficulties. All this has become a way of thinking and living for us.
We became leaders of the Ukraine Division during the war in Ukraine. The war changed everything. There was no plan, no strategy, but only one understanding: ‘We must continue to serve!’
Together with all the officers, we opened buildings and homes and became centres for helping refugees. Despite the terrible panic and danger, not a single officer gave up their service. On the contrary, they began to carry out their service as Salvationists with even greater determination!
All officers of The Salvation Army of Ukraine today have signs of great stress. There is also a threat that male officers and leaders will be taken into the armed forces for war. This also imposes its own stress.
Understanding our role as those whom God has appointed to serve the officers and leaders of The Salvation Army in Ukraine, my wife – Major Irina – and I try to meet regularly with them all. To do this, we visit buildings throughout Ukraine, regardless of long distances. We also hold online officer meetings every week. We realise that our officers need to have an example for imitation and inspiration. Therefore, we try to follow the good example of the Saviour.
In addition to her duties as a divisional leader, Major Iryna organises and leads the Kyiv Mayak Corps choir. She also conducts worship in this outpost in Kyiv. I use every opportunity to visit the corps, where I preach and conduct seminars.
I am a Salvation Army soldier and wear the uniform as a privilege. It is an honour to say that I am a soldier. My soldier’s covenant is one of the best things I’ve done in my life!
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Commissioner Jenine Main encourages us to be bold and courageous as followers of Jesus.

A podcast of conversations from Salvationist Radio's No Age Limit.