28 November 2023
‘I want to change lives with God’s help’

Jean shares that she is called to serve and love others.
From the age of eight I was brought up by my grandparents. These wonderful people really tried their best for me, but I never experienced love. At 13 I started to attend Sunday school at a local church and I first learnt about Jesus. However, I left because I did not feel that I belonged.
Later, I was still without the experience of love in my life. My partner subjected me to severe domestic abuse, but somehow I kept going. I became a Christian and was baptised.
I experienced love for the first time in my life from the good people I worshipped with. I found peace and I felt that I belonged. I started to take part in church activities, in particular volunteering in night shelters.
I cried out to God for deliverance. As I prayed, I felt the sensation of a hand on my shoulder. I knew that God was speaking, and this gave me the courage I needed to leave.
By now I had discovered the value of prayer, but greater revelations were still to come. I had also become acquainted with love, as shown to me by members of the church to which I belonged. I tried hard to show this love to others.
In 2011 I became seriously ill with pneumonia. My lungs had collapsed, and I was on a critical care ward in hospital. Death was forecast. Then I saw Jesus. Yes, I did. This was real. He was at the foot of my bed in a white robe, and he spoke to me.
He said: ‘You will not die for I have work for you to do. I want you to declare the word of the Lord to as many people as possible.’
Ever since then I have had a passion to reach out to others.
I made time for prayer at least three times every day, sometimes more. I worked as a volunteer serving people in need.
I moved and was invited to the local corps by a lady. I have since been shown love by so many people there. I wanted to respond to that love, which is why I became a soldier.
There is so much more I can do with God’s strength and with prayerful preparation. When I was growing up nobody loved me or had time for me. Now, I have found a ministry showing love to others. My calling is to serve others and I want to do just that.
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