MASIC presents: Living Well Together A webinar considering how we can live well together within The Salvation Army while holding a range of views on same-sex relationships.
Me and My Playlist: Dan Sephton Dan Sephton (Sarborough/Morley) shares his playlist with Sam Davidson (THQ).
‘I ended up learning so much’ Daniel Lloyd shares how the Terrain programme helped him grow in faith.
The Catherine Programme: Connecting with our roots Major Julian Watchorn finds out more about a learning opportunity for people in leadership positions.
Called to Be a Soldier Books from International Headquarters to help you explore the Soldier's Covenant.
Living with difference: We come in all sizes and shapes Ahead of National Biscuit Day, Major Julian Watchorn celebrates the diversity of God’s biscuit tin.
Equality and Diversity: ‘We want people to achieve their full potential’ Equality and Diversity Manager Jennifer Laurent-Smart (THQ) talks about creating an environment where everyone can flourish.