Key Dates Resources

Resources to support key dates throughout the year

Upcoming Key Dates

Resources to support intentional moments of reflection this Holy Week and inspire courageous love as we look to the love of Jesus this Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

Resources to help you explore courage this Lent including material for Palm Sunday.

Resources to help you celebrate and reflect this Mother's Day

Resources to help plan your personal or corps participation in the International Day of Children and Youth.

All key dates resources

Remembrance Sunday

Resources | Key dates
Resources and ideas to help you mark Remembrance Sunday in your services.

Harvest Offering Resources

Resources | Key dates, Corporate worship
Resources and ideas for your Harvest offering. This year's theme focuses on giving thanks to God at Harvest and giving back through our financial offering.

National Month of Prayer for Toddler Groups

Resources | Family ministry, Key dates
This ecumenical initiative takes place throughout June each year and encourages churches, individuals, and toddler communities to pray for their toddler groups.