International Day of Families

blue house with green text and a tree behind

What is the International Day of Families?

The International Day of Families is held on 15th May every year and it’s important to note that it is a day to celebrate all types of families, a time to consider your congregation, community or setting and begin to become aware of the ways that family is represented there. 

The International Day of Families was established by the United Nations in 1993 as a way to raise awareness of issues faced by families throughout the world and highlight the important role that families hold in communities. Find out more here - International Day of Families | United Nations

Why do we need to mark this day?

The word family can be an exclusive word - there are so many ways to describe that someone doesn’t feel like they belong to a family; divorced, bereaved, childless, homeless, differently abled, single and many others. Church can be a place that amplifies that feeling.

What if we talked about belonging to the family of God?

The Worship Service and Messy Church Templates below will help to explore the human familial relationships and celebrate the divine one too. 

Key Dates

Creative worship ideas to support your service for International Day of Families

Key Dates

Messy Church session to celebrate International Day of Families

PowerPoint Templates

Key Dates

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Key Dates

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Discover More

Leaping into faith with little ones. A Bible-based curriculum for those working with pre-school children and their carers.

Let nature nurture your little ones with this family-oriented programme.

Family-friendly suggestions on how to integrate faith into everyday life.

Daily prayers and graces to share with the family

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