As people who follow Christ, our sense of justice is defined not by a UN convention, but by our Creator God. Our God is loving, kind, compassionate and merciful. He is also righteous, holy and just.
‘He is the Rock, his works are perfect,
and all his ways are just.
A faithful God who does no wrong,
upright and just is he.’
(Deuteronomy 32:4)
Justice is part of God’s character, which means justice is simply who he is. This was demonstrated in the life of Jesus. The very act of Jesus living a perfect and sinless life, dying a sacrificial death on the cross, and rising again to make right what was wrong – our sin – is the very essence of God demonstrating that he is a just God.
Jesus pursued justice physically and spiritually by rescuing those in need, through the healing of physical diseases and forgiveness of sins.
So as his followers, it makes complete sense for us to tackle injustice! We are called to confront injustice, to care for the vulnerable and to make right that which is wrong.
One of our favourite verses in our International Development team is:
'And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.’
(Micah 6:8)
Biblical justice starts by seeing people as God sees them and recognising that we are all created in the image of God. Each one of us is precious and each one of us is unique. Pursuing justice in the light of this is much bigger than picking up another social justice cause because it sounds appealing and makes us look good. It is about fully embracing the cause of the Christ of biblical justice by seeing lives reconciled to God and eternally transformed.
So, what can we do? Pursuing justice starts and continues with prayer because we know the battle is not our own. It means stepping out of our comfort zone, walking in wisdom, and allowing God to lead as he empowers us through the Holy Spirit.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for loving and valuing each one of us.
Thank you for the example your son Jesus Christ gave, in tackling injustice.
Open our eyes and hearts to the unfairness that is in this world, injustice that is nearby and far away.
We pray that you would show us the way to help others, so others will know that they are precious and valued.
In your name we pray. AMEN.