Shield Books
Big Questions for Small Groups: The Holy Spirit

Big Questions for Small Groups: The Holy Spirit
- £3
‘To the Christian, the Holy Spirit is both a tender, intimate presence and a mystery beyond full understanding.’
In this booklet, Wendy Stanbury explores some of the key questions about the person and work of the Holy Spirit. How can the Spirit be understood and explained? How might we discern the Spirit to be active in personal transformation, worship and mission?
In her 16 years of officership, Wendy has ministered as a corps officer and at William Booth College where she currently leads the team responsible for Foundational Learning. As a born and bred Londoner, Wendy enjoys living south of the Thames with her husband, Kevin, and daughters, Rosie and Eve.
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Ian Barr explores some of the big questions surrounding the Bible and helps make the wonder of God’s word ever more real to us.

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A small group study on the new territorial vision and mission statements.