Changing Seasons

Older People's Ministries

William Booth College and online

William Booth College and online

Two older couples walking and laughing holding coffee

An interactive course designed to equip people for ministry with older people.

Lieut-Colonel Drew McCombe, Secretary for Mission, says: 'Are we ready for the opportunities and challenges facing our ageing corps and communities?

'Changing Seasons is a detailed, proven and highly relevant training opportunity from our Older People’s Ministries team that can make a huge difference to our corps and our local mission to the wider world. It’s very timely, well researched and is highly recommended.'

Module dates

Module 1: An introduction to ministry with older people

  • Tuesday 24 September 2024, 9.30am – 4.15pm, William Booth College

Module 2: Mission and discipleship

  • Tuesday 11 February 2025, 9.30am – 4.15pm, online

Module 3: Loneliness and isolation

  • Wednesday 12 February 2025, 9.30am – 4.15pm, online

Module 4: Module 4: Transitions in later life

  • Wednesday 19 March 2025, 9.30am – 4.15pm, William Booth College

Course duration

The four modules are delivered over a year – one day for each module.

Delegates can choose how many modules they want to attend.

Suitable for

Anyone who is interested in exploring ministry with older people. This would include:

  • Officers
  • Corps employees
  • Chaplains
  • Volunteers
  • Divisional or Territorial Envoys


To register for the course email

Register for this course

Contact Older People's Ministries.


Discover more

Supporting corps and the communities they serve in understanding, reaching and meeting the needs of older people.

Resources to support older people and those that work with them.

Andrew Wileman heralds an age of new possibilities for the Army’s work and mission.

Andrew Wileman shares three examples of how older people have a role to play in God’s mission.